In our increasingly complex world, information is becoming the basic building block of the society. (46)However, at a time when

admin2010-02-22  38

问题     In our increasingly complex world, information is becoming the basic building block of the society. (46)However, at a time when the acquisition of new scientific information alone is approaching a rate of 250 million pages annually, the tide of knowledge is overwhelming the human capability of dealing with it. So man must turn to a machine if he hopes to contain the tide and channel it to beneficial ends.
    (47)The electronic computer, handling millions of facts with the swiftness of light, has given contemporary meaning to Aristotle’s vision of the liberating possibilities of machines: "When looms weave by themselves, man’s slavery will end." By transforming the way in which he gathers, stores, retrieves, and uses information, this versatile instrument is helping man to overcome his mental and physical limitations. (48)It is vastly widening his intellectual horizon, enabling him better to comprehend his universe, and providing the means to master that portion of it lying within his reach.
    Although we are only in the second decade of electronic date processing, the outlines of its influence on our culture are beginning to e merge. (49)Far from depersonalizing the individual and dehumanizing his society, the computer promises a degree of personalized service never before available to mankind.
    By the end of century, for the equipment of a few dollars a month, the individual will have a vast complex of computer services at his command. Information utilities will make computing power available, like electricity, to thousands of users simultaneously. (50)The computer in the home will be joined a national and global computer system that provides services ranging from banking and travel facilities to library research and medical care. High-speed communication devices, linked to satellites in space, will transmit data to and from virtually any point on earth with the ease of a dial system.



解析 此句是简单句。句子主干为"...the computer promises...personalized service...";句中for from depersonalizing...是状语。此句的难点在于如何理解原文的意义,用符合汉语习惯的表达方式表达出原文所要传达的信息。首先,要确定词义,在depersonalize,dehumanize两词中,personalize和humanize分别意为"赋予人性,使人格地",和"使人性地",加上表示否定的前缀de-后,两词分别意为"失去个性"和"失去人性";personalized service原意为"人格化服务",这里译作"拟人活动";promise意为"有望",此引译为"可指望"。在翻译方法上,主要采用了"分译法"和"增译法",把分词短语译为一并列分词,增加了主语,并根据句子的内在逻辑关系,增译转折词"相反"和连接词"不仅不会…也不会";此外,还采用了"正说反译法",把far from的否定意味译出,使译文成为双重否定句。
