If we mean by capitalism a method of organizing the economy which rests on the profit motive and the free play of market forces,

admin2019-08-27  71

问题    If we mean by capitalism a method of organizing the economy which rests on the profit motive and the free play of market forces, then we can be quite sure that it will be around for the 21st century. The motivation to compete, to own and acquire wealth is a fundamental fact of human existence, just like the need to eat or sleep. It’s not going to be eradicated.
   Once you accept that competition via markets and prices is the main driving force of economic life, the second lesson is that while this is necessary it is not a sufficient mechanism for ordering society. Pure free capitalism had a brief, if powerful, heyday from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, but it is now clear that phase is over. If the denial of capitalism has utterly failed, so has the belief that markets alone are sufficient control—though it has not failed quite so spectacularly.
   I don’t expect to see another economic crisis of the scale of that in the 1970s for at least another fifteen years. When it does eventually come, it will probably be from some totally unexpected direction. Unemployment will continue to decline, and when people no longer fear the loss of their jobs, so a degree of complacency creeps in and their values change.
   It may well be exactly that process which, ironically, causes the next economic crisis—but it’s a long way yet.


答案如果我们说的资本主义制度是指一种基于利润动机和市场力量自由发挥的经济组织方法,那我们就可以确信它将在21世纪继续存在。就像需要吃饭或睡觉,竞争、拥有和获取财富的动力是人类生存的基本事实,不会被消除。 一旦你认同市场和价格的竞争是经济生活的主要驱动力,那么第二个经验教训就是,尽管这种竞争是不可避免的,但这种机制还不足以帮助建立有序的社会。从20世纪70年代末到90年代初,完全自由的资本主义有一个短暂、强大的鼎盛时期,但是现在已经很清楚,那个阶段结束了。如果对资本主义制度的否定已经彻底失败,那种市场足以自我调控的想法也是如此——虽然它的失败不太引人注目。 至少在下一个15年,我不希望看到另一场像20世纪70年代那样规模的经济危机。当它最终来临时,很可能会来自某个完全意想不到的方向。失业率将继续下降;而当人们不再担心失去工作时,一定程度的自满就会悄然而至,因而他们的价值观也会改变。 具有讽刺意味的是,很可能正是这一过程导致下一场经济危机——但这个过程还会持续很长时间。

