下面是一篇八年级的阅读材料以及教学片段,请用中文从以下方面进行评析。 1.阅读教学模式: 2.读前活动: 3.教师角色。 阅读材料: When people say "culture", we think of art and history. B

admin2016-11-20  55

问题 下面是一篇八年级的阅读材料以及教学片段,请用中文从以下方面进行评析。
    When people say "culture", we think of art and history. But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon. We all know and love the black mouse with two large round ears—Mickey Mouse. Over 80 years ago, he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie. When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18, 1928, it was the first cartoon with sound and music. The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney. He became very rich and successful. In the 1930s, he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.
    Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular. One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. In his early films, Mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend, Minnie. However, he was always ready to try his best. People went to the cinema to see the "little man" win. Most of them wanted to be like Mickey.
Step 1 Pre-reading
T: Do you like to watch cartoons? What is your favorite cartoon?(学生小组讨论自己最喜欢的卡通片)
T: And which is your favorite cartoon character? What does he/she look like?(学生讨论、列举出最喜欢的卡通人物并简单介绍其外貌特征)
Step 2 While-reading
1. Fast reading.
Students read the passage quickly and try to get the main idea of each paragraph.
Paragraph 1 One symbol of American culture
Paragraph 2 Reasons for Mickey’s popularity
2. Careful reading.
(1)Tell students to read the passage from 5W: Who, What, When, Where and Why.
(2)Read carefully and find out the answers to 5W in this passage.
    Who is the main character?
    What does he look like?
    When did he first appear?
    Where did he come out?
    Why did he become so popular?
(3)Retell the passage according to 5W and make a conclusion:
Mickey is a symbol of American culture.
Step 3 Post-reading Work in groups to:
1. Make a survey about another cartoon character that is as famous as Mickey in China.
2. Introduce the cartoon character to others from 5W.


答案 1.阅读教学模式 英语阅读教学模式主要有自上而下、自下而上、相互补偿及PWP教学模式。案例中的教师采用了PWP教学模式。在读前环节,教师让学生讨论自己感兴趣的话题,激发学生学习的兴趣。在读中环节,设计了速读和细读,帮助学生理解文章大意与细节信息,锻炼学生的阅读能力。在读后通过小组活动,巩固和拓展新知。在整体教学活动的设计上,教师的课堂教学设计过程比较清晰,有助于明确教学任务,实现教学目标。 2.读前活动 读前活动的设计主要是为接下来的阅读环节作好铺垫,一方面要求能够吸引学生的兴趣.同时也能为学生铺垫好背景知识,让学生更好地理解文章内容。 优点:在该教师所设计的读前活动中,该教师能够抓住cartoon及cartoon character这两个重要主体。让学生进行讨论并介绍,对于后面阅读文章内容的理解起到了一定的铺垫性作用,发散了学生的思维,也锻炼了学生的口语表达能力,并在一定程度上激发学生的学习兴趣。 不足:缺乏教师对于文化、动漫以及动漫角色的信息补充,以及教师对学生表现的评价。 3.教师角色 根据新课标的要求,学生是教学活动的主体,教学活动的设计要以学生为中心,以学生为主体。教师承担着教学活动中的组织者、创设者、引导者和评价者等多重角色。 优点:材料中,无论是读前、读中还是读后环节,该教师都做到了以学生为主体,创设各种机会及活动让学生来进行思考、讨论及展现自我。而在此过程中,教师都很好地发挥了组织者、创设者和引导者的角色。 缺点:教师在教学活动中的评估者角色也非常重要,教师应该在学生活动的每个环节都能给予相应的评价和反馈,以此来更好地鼓励和督促学生的学习和进步。材料中,教师起到了很好的引导作用,但是并没有体现教师的评价和反馈。

