Simon finally______to pressure from his parents to stop his tennis training before the exam.

admin2014-01-20  40

问题 Simon finally______to pressure from his parents to stop his tennis training before the exam.

选项 A、gave up
B、gave in
C、gave out
D、gave way


解析 此题考查考生对短语动词的理解。give up“放弃”,如:The doctors have given herup but she made remarkable discovery. “医生已放弃了对她治疗的希望,而她却恢复得很好。”give in“让步、迁就”,对……让步,要接介词to,如:At no timeshould we give in to difficulties.“任何时候都不应在困难面前屈服。”give out“分发”,如:The teacher gave out the examination papers.“教师发了考卷。”give way“让路、让位”,含有“腾出地方”意思,也可以接介词to,如:Give way to trafficcoming from the right.“让右方驶来的车辆先行。”He should give way to a youn—ger,more decisive leader.“他应该让位于更年轻、更有决断力的领导者。”结合句意的语境,应该选B项。题句中的不定式to stop his tennis training作pressure的定语,即“来自父母停止参加网球训练的压力”。
