A. How I envied them! B. but I think I’ll agree with you. C. I had somebody else in the room with me. Sharon: Did you have your

admin2019-11-11  37

问题 A. How I envied them!
B. but I think I’ll agree with you.
C. I had somebody else in the room with me.
Sharon: Did you have your own room when you were little, Wang Qiang?
Wang: No, for I think the first seventeen years of my life, 【D1】______
Sharon: I always wanted my own room, you know, because there were five of us in the family and we always have to share rooms. I had my...my own room with the first time when I was about 15 or something.
Wang: I was very happy when my sister got married because then I could take her room.
Sharon: Oh, really?
Wang: And for the first time in my life I had my own room. I felt very proud and wrote in my diary, " I will treasure this new freedom! "
Sharon: Well, a lot of my friends had their own rooms when they were very young, some even as babies. 【D2】______But there were only three bedrooms in our house for seven people so we really were...
Wang: By the way, what do you think of letting a small baby sleep in a separate room? Many Chinese parents are astonished at this idea.
Sharon: I think it’s...I think it’s generally good. I think whenever possible because it makes people feel more independent and maybe a...
Wang: Well, I don’t know, 【D3】______

选项 A、 


解析     在这段对话中,两个朋友主要谈论了小时候是否有独立房间的事情。首先,应该明确三个答案选项的语法功能和语义。A选项是感叹句,意思是:我好羡慕他们呀!B选项是but引导的并列句,意思是:但是,我觉得我同意你的看法。C选项是完整句,意思是:有人跟我一起住。
    其次,认真阅读对话,特别是仔细体会空白处的上下文的语义。第1题和它前面的句子No,for I think the first seventeen years of my life(我觉得在我生命最初的17年里)合起来是对Sharon的问题Did you have your own room when you were little,Wang Qiang?(王蔷,你小的时候有自己的房间吗?)的回答,所以正确答案是C。根据第2题前面的句子Well,a lot of my friends had their own rooms when they were very young,some even as babies.(我很多的朋友在他们很小的时候,甚至是婴儿的时候就有自己的房间),第2题的正确答案应该是A,是对前面讲的事情表达感慨。第3题正确答案是B,跟在主句后面。
