Internet Will Soon Close The Internet, perhaps the most important technological development of the past 30 years, succeeded

admin2013-01-10  37

问题                         Internet Will Soon Close
    The Internet, perhaps the most important technological development of the past 30 years, succeeded unexpectedly. It started out in an experimental backwater, nurtured far from the mainstream. It was spawned with no business plan and with no CEO leading the charge. Instead, a group of researchers— nerds, really—had the very un-entre-preneurial idea to develop a set of free and open technical protocols to move data from one place to another. The PC, which I think of as a companion technology to the Internet, likewise groomed as the hobbyhorse of passionate nerds who (at least initially) shared their designs. Both the Internet and the PC were released unfinished, and because they were open technologies, businesses and inventors could use them as a springboard for innovation. New applications were deployed to use them without needing the permission of their vendors.
    This kind of openness isn’t found in cars, fridges, TiVos or any other major technology. It’s what helped the Internet and PC succeed over more boring, predictable counterparts— proprietary networks like CompuServe and information appliances like dedicated smart word processors. However, now that PCs and the Internet have become mainstream tools, there’s rising pressure to turn them into the appliances they defeated: to close them, in some cases forbidding outside tinkering altogether, and in others allowing it only under closely monitored and controlled circumstances. The Internet and the PC as wellsprings of innovation are living on borrowed time.
    The new closed models that represent the likely future of consumer computing and networking are no minor tweaks. We face wholesale revision of the Internet and PC environment of the past several decades. The change is coming partly because of the need to address security problems peculiar to open technologies, and partly because businesses want more control over the experience that customers have with their products. The trend from open systems toward closed ones threatens the culture of serendipitous tinkering that has given us the Web, instant messaging, peer-to-peer networking, Skype, Wikipedia and a host of other innovations, each of which emerged from left field. It will produce a concentrated set of new gatekeepers, with us and them prisoner to their limited business plans and to regulators who fear things that are new and disruptive.
The following are the adavantages of the open Internet EXCEPT that______.

选项 A、it contributes to innovation
B、it can easily develop
C、it makes big money for firms
D、it offers much free information


解析 事实细节题。选项[A]与第一段第六句相符:“…而且因为它们属于开放性技术,企业和投资人可以把它们作为创样报的跳板”。[B]可从第二段第二句推出:“正是这种开放性帮助因特网和PC超越了相对平庸、可预测的对手——CompuServe那样的特许网络和专用智能文字处理器之类的信息处理设备”。[D]与第一段第四句内容一致(见上题分析)。[C]在文中未汲及,故是本题的正确答案。
