A、To promote sales of bicycles. B、To encourage cycling. C、To reduce car accidents. D、To improve road conditions. B

admin2011-01-10  42

Man: What exactly is "Spokes"?
Woman: Well, it’s a voluntary organization which has been going for the last three years or so, um it’s really an action group for cyclists. And the basic purpose of ’Spokes’ is to encourage cycling, especially in cities, and also to make sure that city planners are aware of the needs of cyclists and that they provide proper facilities for cyclists, Now this is very important because when plans are made for new streets in cities, pedestrians are always included because you have pavements and shopping areas and parks, and motorists are always included because you have roads and car parks and so on. But it seems to us that nobody actually thinks of the cyclists and somehow the cyclists come between the cars and the pedestrians and there aren’t really any facilities provided for them. And that was really the basic reason why we set up "Spokes" in the first place—because we felt that the cyclist ought to be represented too.
Man: So what kind of facilities do you think there should be fore cyclists?
Woman: Well, the most important thing I think is that there should be special lanes for cyclists in at least some of the streets in cities where only cyclists are allowed to go—urn, at the moment in most cities there’s either no special lane for bicycles at all, they just share the road with all the other traffic or else cyclists are supposed to use the same lane as buses, which of course is extremely dangerous.
Man: But wouldn’t a lot of people say that there are really very few cyclists on the road compared with the number of cars, so why should so much money be spent just of them? Is it really worth it?
Woman: Yes we think it is wroth it, for one thing because of the number of accidents that there are at the moment. Most serious accidents involving cyclists are caused by cars, and they happen because drivers assume that the road is for them and they simply don’t notice that the cyclist’s there—and so I’m sure special lanes for bicycles would lead to fewer accidents. And another mason it’s worth having special lanes is that it would encourage more people to use bicycles. And yes of course at the moment there are very few cyclists one the roads, but that’s because cycling in cities is so dangerous and so unpleasant. Now obviously if better facilities were provided for cyclists, there would be far more bicycles on the road just like there are in Holland and Denmark, and this would be a very good thing for everybody. I think it’s ridiculous that people in Britain talk so much about pollution and the energy crisis and so on, but in spite of that they don’t do anything to encourage cycling, which is cheap and clean and also very good for you.
Man: Now you described "Spokes" as an "action group" for cyclists. What exactly have you done?
Woman: Well, so far we’ve been mainly concerned with just drawing people’s attention to cyclists and the needs of cyclists. So we’ve held meetings and we’ve written to newspapers and to city councils suggesting things that can be done to help cyclists and we’ve held bicycle rallies in some places.
Man: Do you think you’ve had any effect?
Woman: Oh very much so. I think as a result of what we’ve done local councils are now actually beginning to consider cyclists as another group they’re got to take notice of and in a few cities they’ve already do started to include cycle lanes and special routes for cyclists in their plans.
27.What is the main purpose of the "Spoke"?
28.What does the woman say about the cause of accidents involving cyclists?
29.According to the woman, what are the advantages of cycling?
30.Which of the following is NOT included in what the organization has done to promote its cause?

选项 A、To promote sales of bicycles.
B、To encourage cycling.
C、To reduce car accidents.
D、To improve road conditions.


