A、He majored in biology in college. B、He didn’t like mathematics at all. C、He did a good job in mathematics. D、Mathematics made

admin2014-06-25  22

W: I don’t believe we’ve ever met before, have we?
M: We’ve been introduced at other parties. Don’t you remember?
Q: What does the man mean?
W: Do you enjoy majoring in mathematics?
M: Enjoy? If I could choose again, I would study biology.
Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?

选项 A、He majored in biology in college.
B、He didn’t like mathematics at all.
C、He did a good job in mathematics.
D、Mathematics made him a smart person.


解析 男士的话Enjoy?…I would study biology(喜欢?……我宁可学生物)为听音重点,B)是对此的同义转述,故为答案。反问表达完全相反的意思,故Enjoy?说明男士一点也不喜欢数学。男士还用虚拟条件句表明了自己不喜欢学数学。
