Please reflect on the following opinion and write an essay of about 400 words elaborating your view with a well-defined title.

admin2010-12-21  43

问题   Please reflect on the following opinion and write an essay of about 400 words elaborating your view with a well-defined title.
   Some people believe the key of the reform in the education system is a well-shared awareness that education is there, instead of simply offering the knowledge important to the students, to improve the students in an all-round way, and especially to guide them to a  careful pondering  over  such fundamental issues as life itself and social responsibility. An undue emphasis on knowledge-education and the resultant ignorance over the guidance to the students to a proper understanding of life will bring us nothing but a large number of "memorizing machines"  We can never expect a group of young people well prepared for the real social life.


答案From "Memorizing Machines" to Critical Thinkers Knowledge-education has long been dominating universities and colleges in China, witnessing an overwhelming number of students cramming for various exams, some of which even fail to give the slightest thought about their social responsibility. Discouraging as the scenario is, it sounds the alarm for education in China. memorizing machines are just around the corner if our education over-emphasizes knowledge- education to the ignorance of exploring students’ critical thinking ability. Nothing can better explain the necessity of critical thinking than a mere look at some of the driving forces pushing human progress forward-scientific and technological advances. In ancient times, when people were suffering from a life of scarcity both physically and mentally, it was their exploring spirit and independent thinking that triggered great inventions, theories, architectures and lifestyles. Without critical thinking, artificial intelligence would be nothing but a picturesque fantasy. As Steve Jobs, the late CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, stated in his well-known Commencement address delivered in Stanford University, "Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice". Independent thinking shall be ruling knowledge in order to explore new fields of knowledge. Nevertheless, the scale of education in China has largely tilted toward knowledge- education, somewhat suppressing students’ creative and innovative spirit. On university campus, it is commonplace to come across classrooms where professors preach patiently whatever in the textbooks and students listen silently to whatever preached by the professors. The gradual death of critical thinking is bound to give way to the penetration of "memorizing machines". Yet, the significance of education lies not in repeating the second-hand knowledge left by others. Instead, it is critical thinking that promotes human progress and it is critical thinking education that prepares the young for a future of various unexpected possibilities. Though the shift from "memorizing machines" to critical thinkers is a demanding task, educators shall take the initiative to evoke the students’ awareness of the importance of all-round education and critical thinking. In that case, hopefully, university students will be guided properly to develop all-round abilities and encouraged to absorb and ponder over hard facts, so as to shape their own thoughts and provoke even more fruitful innovations in the future.

