
admin2018-06-06  42

问题     中华文明历来注重以民为本,尊重人的尊严和价值。早在千百年前,中国人就提出“民惟邦本,本固邦宁”、“天地之间,莫贵于人”,强调要利民、裕民、养民、惠民。今天,我们坚持以人为本,就是要坚持发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享,关注人的价值、权益和自由,关注人的生活质量、发展潜能和幸福指数,最终是为了实现人的全面发展。保障人民的生存权和发展权仍是中国的首要任务。我们将大力推动经济社会发展,依法保障人民享有自由、民主和人权,实现社会公平和正义,使13亿中国人民过上幸福生活。


答案 The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to the people and respect for people’s dignity and value. Centuries ago, the Chinese already pointed out that "people are the foundation of a country: when the foundation is stable, the country is in peace". Nothing is more valuable in the universe than human beings. The ancient Chinese emphasized the value of serving the people, enriching them, nourishing them, and benefiting them. We are pursuing today a people-oriented approach toward development because we believe that development must be for the people and by the people and its benefit should be shared among the people. We care about people’s value, rights and interests and freedom, the quality of their life, and their development potential and happiness index because our goal is to realize the all-around development of the people. Ensuring the right to survival and development remains China’s top priority. We will vigorously promote social and economic development, protect people’s freedom, democracy and human rights according to law, achieve social fairness and justice and enable the 1.3 billion Chinese people to live a happy life.

