In today’s world, peace, development and cooperation is the trend of the times, the international environment is conducive to pe

admin2012-08-24  28

问题     In today’s world, peace, development and cooperation is the trend of the times, the international environment is conducive to peace and development in general. At the same time, the international financial crisis far-reaching influence, the world economic growth is slowing down, global demand structure change, appear on the market, resources, talents, technology, standard of more competitive, climate change and energy resources security, food safety diseases— all more prominent, and various forms of protectionism growth and development of the external environment is more complex. We must grasp the new global economic division, actively create participate in international economic cooperation and competition advantage.


答案 当今世界,和平、发展、合作仍是时代潮流,国际环境总体上有利于和平和发展。同时,国际金融危机影响深远,世界经济增长速度减缓,全球需求结构出现明显变化,围绕市场、资源、人才、技术、标准等的竞争更加激烈,气候变化以及能源资源安全、粮食安全等全球性问题更加突出,各种形式的保护主义抬头,我国发展的外部环境更趋复杂。我们必须把握好在全球经济分工中的新定位,积极创造参与国际经济合作和竞争新优势。

