
admin2017-03-30  38

问题 2014年7月1日,A、B两公司签订了一份价值100万元的货物买卖合同。合同约定:A公司于2014年7月15日向B公司交付全部货物,交付地点为B公司仓库;B公司在验货合格后10日内一次性支付全部货款;任何一方如违约,应向守约方支付违约金10万元。合同订立后,A公司未按时交付货物。B公司遂起诉至法院,要求A公司继续履行合同,支付10万元违约金,并赔偿经济损失。A公司辩称:没有按时交货是因为当地7月10日发生严重泥石流灾害,道路被中断,货物无法及时运送;而且,约定的违约金过分高于造成的损失。


答案(1)不可以。不安抗辩权是“先履行债务”的一方当事人有确切证据证明后履行的一方有经营状况恶化等情况时,在后履行一方未提供担保之前有权拒绝先为履行。题目中B公司是“后履行一方”,不能行使不安抗辩权。 (2)当事人约定的违约金超过造成损失的30%的,一般可以认定为过分高于造成的损失。 (3)A公司因不可抗力原因不能履行合同时,应当及时通知B公司,以减轻可能给对方造成的损失,并应当在合理的期限内取得有关证明后,才能免除违约责任。 (4)货物毁损的损失由出卖人A公司承担。根据规定,标的物毁损、灭失的风险,在标的物交付之前由出卖人承担,交付之后由买受人承担。但法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定的除外。题目中约定“交付地点为B公司仓库”,而在运输途中发生毁损,此时还没有交付给买受人,所以是“交付之前”,由出卖人A公司承担损失。 (5)货物毁损的损失由买受人B公司承担。根据规定,当事人没有约定交付地点或者约定不明确,依照规定标的物需要运输的,出卖人将标的物交付给第一承运人后,标的物毁损、灭失的风险由买受人承担。该问是假设“没有约定交付地点”,那么风险是出卖人A公司将货物交付给运输公司后,风险就转移给买受人B公司;因此在运输途中货物因泥石流毁损,损失由买受人B公司承担。 Correct answers: (1)Cannot.Unstable counter argument right is that the party who performs liabilities firstly has conclusive evidences to prove that there is operating performance deterioration occurred on the ground that the other party who performs liabilities late,the party who performs liabilities firstly has right to refuse fulfilling firstly before the other party who performs liabilities late does not offer any guaranty.In this case,B Company is the party who performs liabilities late,so cannot perform unstable counter-argument right. (2)The promissory liquidated damages exceed 30% of the damages,which could be seemed as higher than the loss caused too much. (3)A Company cannot perform contract due to force maj eure.it shall inform B Company in time,in order tO reduce the loss that may be brought to B Company,and could exempt from liability for breach of contract after obtaining related proof within reasonable period. (4)The damages shall be undertaken by vender A Company.According to provisions,the risk of damage or loss of the subj ect matter,shall be borne by the seller before the subj ect matter delivered,shall be borne by the buyer after delivery,unless otherwise provided by law or otherwise agreed by the parties.In this case,the promised delivery position is warehouse of B Company but damaged in transit,and do not delivery to buyer yet,so this occurred before delivering,damages shall be borne by the seller. (5)Damages shall be borne by vendee B Company.According to provisions,the parties were not prescribed delivery location or unclear,in accordance with the provisions,the subject matter need to be transited,after vender delivery the subject matter to the first carrier,the risk of damage or loss of the subj ect matter shall be borne by the buyer.The assumption does not prescribed delivery location,the risk will be transferred to vendee B Company after A Company delivering goods to transportation company;therefore the damages in transit shall be borne by vendee B Company.

