在大家庭(extended family)里,老一辈人的意见会受到尊重,小一辈人会得到全家的呵护。中国宪法(Constitution)规定,赡养父母是成年子女义不容辞的责任。在城市里,不和家里老人一起住的年轻夫妇给老人提供生活费(living allowa

admin2022-12-27  40

问题 在大家庭(extended family)里,老一辈人的意见会受到尊重,小一辈人会得到全家的呵护。中国宪法(Constitution)规定,赡养父母是成年子女义不容辞的责任。在城市里,不和家里老人一起住的年轻夫妇给老人提供生活费(living allowance),并帮助他们干家务活。在农村,尽管不少大家庭解体了,许多结了婚的儿子和他们的家人还和父母住在同一个院子里。对他们来说,分家不过是分灶而已。结了婚的儿子往往把房子盖在父母家附近,这样父母和子女可以互相帮助、探望,和过去一样方便。


答案In extended families, the older members’ opinions are respected, and the younger members are treated with affection and care by all. The Constitution of China stipulates that grown-up children are duty-bound to support their parents. In the cities, young couples who do not live with their parents offer the latter living allowances and help them with the household chores. In the countryside, though quite a number of extended families have disintegrated, many married sons and their family continue to live in the same courtyard with their parents. To them, breaking up the extended family only means cooking their meals separately. Most often they have their house built near their parents’ home, making them help and visit each other as conveniently as before.

解析 1.第一句中,“老一辈人”和“小一辈人”为相似结构,可分别译为the older members和the younger members。
2. 第二句的前半句可处理为主句,后半句翻译为that引导的宾语从句。其中,“规定”可译为stipulates,“义不容辞的”可译为duty-bound。
3. 第四句中的“在农村”可翻译为in the countryside,“尽管不少大家庭解体了”可根据字面意思处理为让步状语从句,用though引导。
4. 最后一句中,根据TT翻译法,前半句可处理为句子的主干,后半句翻译为现在分词短语作状语,表示结果。
