TASK ONE - DEPARTMENT For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the departments, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the d

admin2012-10-17  34

For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the departments, listed A-H.
For each extract, choose the department each speaker works in.
Write one letter A—H next to the number of the extract.
A. accounts
B. personnel
C. despatch
D. legal
E. production
F. sales
G. customer service
H. purchasing
Speaker 1
    I’m quite well organised really so I have no problems dealing with things like credit notes and invoices. What I do find stressful, though, is having to deal with people when they ring up and complain about damaged goods or a late delivery. We’re only a small company, you know, so it’s up to me and my colleague to sort things out. Although, having said that, my colleague isn’t actually that big a help at all. She spends most of her day gossiping to friends, so people can only get through to my exten-sion. It’s no good trying to interrupt her either. She just shrugs her shoulders and carries on. It’s very irritating, you know.
Speaker 2
    My new colleague’s really nice. She worked in Despatch up until about three months ago, so she’s already familiar with all the forms and things we use here at the company. I’ve started her off on some basic procedures, like paying salaries and dealing with credit control, which means that I can concentrate on preparing for next month’s audit. She’s doing quite well actually—well, when she finally makes it into the office, that is. It’s almost 20 past by the time she gets in . .. and even later if she goes to the canteen to get something to eat first. I think she just goes there for a good gossip with her friends from Despatch, myself.
Speaker 3
    Well, I sometimes struggle’ to keep my cool with the Sales Department always on at us to get things moving more quickly. We’re busy enough as it is, what with planning and organising operations, scheduling projects and dealing with plant maintenance. It doesn’t help having to share such a small space with my boss. Well, we get on all right even though he’s quite a tidy person and I tend to leave the place in a bit of a mess. But what really does annoy me is the amount of time I have to spend unjam-ming the printer or the photocopier after he’s been using it. I just find it so inconsiderate of him to leave me to deal with it all the time.
Speaker 4
    I’m used to keeping records of prices and ordering office supplies, of course, but I never realised there would be so much to the job. I mean, when I think back to the interview, the Personnel Manager didn’t mention half the things I’m now doing, I’ve never had to actually select the suppliers myself before. It’s a real balancing act, getting the right product at the right price. But my colleague’s given me lots of useful information. In fact, there isn’t much he hasn’t told me. We took a break together on my first day here and he didn’t waste any time telling me all about everyone in the office. It makes me wonder now what he’s saying behind my back.
Speaker 5
    It’s been a real nightmare lately. We’re busy enough at the best of times. And now we’ve lost our admin assistant, it’s even worse. I’ve been up to my neck in paperwork, going through contract details with the Legal Department and checking CVs and references. You know, I’ve interviewed 40 applicants this week already for one of our vacancies and it’s only Wednesday today. My colleague seems to take everything in his stride, though. If he’s not standing next to the fax machine chatting to someone from the Purchasing Department, he’s outside my window smoking. Look, there he is, lighting up again. I can’t believe it. That’s his sixth one this morning. Honestly, it’s a wonder he gets any work done at all.



解析 “人事部”。听音内容中出现的contract details with the Legal Department(与法律部门打交道)、checking CVs and references(查阅履历和推荐信)、interviewed 40 applicants(面试了40个应聘者)都代表了人事部门的业务,所以答案为B.
