下面是某教师的课堂教学片段: T: Are you happy? Ss: Yes, we are. T: When there’s something wrong with your body, are you still happy? Ss: No.

admin2015-06-17  35

问题 下面是某教师的课堂教学片段:
T: Are you happy?
Ss: Yes, we are.
T: When there’s something wrong with your body, are you still happy?
Ss: No.
T: Look at the picture, is he happy?
Ss: No, he isn’t.
T: Why?
Ss:(With the teacher’s help)He has a stomachache.(Learn other phrases about illness in the same way)
T: Now let’ s learn a chant. Say first two lines of the chant after me. Say the next two lines together with me according to my action. Say the last two lines by yourselves according to my action. Now let’s start:
Head, head, I have a headache. I have a headache.
Stomach, stomach, I have a stomachache. I have a stomachache.
Ear, ear, I have an earache. I have an earache.
Tooth, tooth, I have a toothache. I have a toothache.
Back, back, I have a sore back. I have a sore back.
Throat, throat, I have a sore throat. I have a sore throat.


答案(1)此语段老师采用了归纳式讲授新知识。 首先教师呈现实例“stomachache”,学生观察语言现象,发现语言结构规律或规则“-ache”和“sore…”之后,教师通过小顺口溜给予反馈。学生进行语言训练。这些活动有利于学生对语言现象的理解和运用。 (2)此语段老师采用了利用直观教具和真实情景进行语言呈现的方法。 采用直观媒介图片,把课上的重点内容“unhappy”呈现给学生,使学生在自然的情景中建立起对新语言项目“-ache”和“sore…”的初次印象。这是初中英语教学最广泛的教学手段和方法。之后把所学单词归纳到小顺口溜之中,又可以加深学生对本课内容的感性认识和理解。学生周围的人或物都是有使用价值的真实情景。在本语段中,老师利用体态语言创造的真实情景直接引起学生兴趣,给学生的直观印象更深刻。这是初中英语教学最便捷的教学手段和方法。 (3)首先,以图片作为教学手段,利用其直观性等特点展现了“stomachache”等生词;之后,又采用顺口溜的形式,让学生真正做到“眼看、口念、心想”,在心情愉悦中积极主动地学习与疾病有关的词汇,达到事半功倍的效果。

