A、eye disease sufferer B、eye doctor C、cheap product seller D、sunglasses seller B

admin2010-06-18  20

Interviewer:  Nowadays sunglasses are quite fashionable and are also very cheap. Unfortunately most of the sun admirers don’t spend any thought on the quality of the glass itself. The following report will show that this is a mistake. The number of patients, which complain about pain in the eyes first and later also about headache, increases.  This fact itself shows that there must be something wrong.  Oculists and opticians have more and more patients, as Mr. Michael Johnson, president of the Oculists Association, is verifying during an interview with our reporter.
Mr. Johnson: The amount of eye discomfort is constantly increasing.  We interpret this development as follows: Above all the quality of the so-called low-price sunglasses does not lead to the positive effect it should do. During a symposium in London in May oculists were complaining about the increasing number of eye complaints. They predicted that diseases like cataract would evidently increase. In the opinion of the oculists there can be several obvious reasons which are responsible for such a development. The exposure to the ultra-violet rays, those sunrays that are harmful to the eyes, has during the past few years evidently increased in our regions. This is mainly caused by the so-called expanding hole in the ozone layer. Being previously only a problem in the southern countries it is now also affecting us. More and more admirers of the sun spend their winter holidays in the south in order to enjoy the sun and the warmth. In these cases it is important to wear appropriate sunglasses, because the sun there is much stronger than in our regions. Another thing is that a lot of people, who visit the solarium in order to get tanned the year around, forget to wear appropriate protection glasses for the eyes.  This also causes injuries in the eyes. But in particular the physicians criticized the wide spread usage of the so-called low-price sunglasses. They are trying to save money at a wrong place. Such low- price glasses do not sufficiently filter out the previously mentioned ultra-violet rays. That is why sunglasses should in every case be bought at an Optician. Good quality sunglasses are most important in the mountains and at the seaside. They are becoming more and more important because of the constantly expanding hole in the ozone layer. With regards to kids low-price sunglasses cause even more serious consequences. Although the pupil of a kid’s eye isable to open and close faster than an adult’ s eye, it still takes in more rays and therefore gets hurt more easily than the less sensitive adult’s eye.
Interviewer:  How much money does it cost for a pair of sunglasses appropriate for kids?
Mr. Johnson: You can buy sunglasses for kids at about 15 pounds. If fashion plays a role, that means if the glasses have to be fashionable, then the price will probably range higher. As for the adults, sunglasses should only be made of optical glass, which filters out the ultra-violet rays sufficiently.
Interviewer:  A lot of people often complain about the weight of glasses.
Mr. Johnson: Today this should no longer be a problem. Thanks to the research work of the opticians, a new plastic-glass has been developed during the last few years, which is evidently lighter than before. That means that nowadays glasses with plastic-glass are more than half lighter than traditional glasses.
Interviewer:  Mr. Johnson, we thank you for the interview.

选项 A、eye disease sufferer
B、eye doctor
C、cheap product seller
D、sunglasses seller


