
admin2016-06-22  86

问题     中国五千年的历史和文化深深地在中国人的心中根植了一种强烈的民族意识,这就是中国必须统一。中国政府对于国际社会普遍奉行一个中国政策表示赞赏。我们一贯认为,联合国的所有成员国,都应遵守《联合国宪章》的宗旨、原则及有关联合国决议,不以任何方式支持台湾加入联合国及只能由主权国家参加的其他国际组织。


答案 The 5000-year-long Chinese history and culture have implanted a strong national awareness: national unification. The Chinese government appreciates the international community’ s pursuit of the one-China policy. We have consistently maintained that all members of the United Nations must observe the aims and principles of the U. N. Charter and the relevant U. N. resolutions, and refrain from supporting Taiwan’ s effort to join the United Nations or other international organizations composed only of sovereign states. All countries that have established diplomatic relations with China should follow the principle of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and non-interference in one another’ s internal affairs, and refrain from selling arms to Taiwan or helping it produce weapons in any form or under any pretext. The Chinese government hopes that the international community will consistently follow the one-China policy, and that the U. S. government will earnestly implement the principles on the Taiwan issue set forth in the three Sino-U. S. joint communiqu6s and honor its solemn commitment on the one-China policy.

