茶马古道(the Ancient Tea Horse Road)是中国西南地区一条重要的商贸通道,兴起于唐宋时期,兴盛于明清时期。它源起于云南茶叶主产区普洱市,中间经过今天的大理、丽江、西藏,最后通到尼泊尔(Nepal)和印度。“茶马古道”之所以得名是由于

admin2016-04-26  26

问题     茶马古道(the Ancient Tea Horse Road)是中国西南地区一条重要的商贸通道,兴起于唐宋时期,兴盛于明清时期。它源起于云南茶叶主产区普洱市,中间经过今天的大理、丽江、西藏,最后通到尼泊尔(Nepal)和印度。“茶马古道”之所以得名是由于频繁的贸易,用四川、云南的茶叶换取西藏的马匹。它是中国西南地区经济文化交流的通道,也被称作“南方的丝绸之路”。现在,它已经变成世界上自然风光最壮观、文化最神秘的旅游线路。


答案The Ancient Tea Horse Road was an important trade route in the southwest part of China. It emerged in Tang and Song Dynasties and prospered in Ming and Qing Dynasties. The road started from Pu’er city, the major tea production site in Yunnan, passed through the present Dali, Lijiang and Tibet and finally ended at Nepal and India. The road earned the name Tea Horse Road due to the frequent business activities in which tea from Sichuan and Yunnan was traded for Tibetan horses. As a passage for economic and cultural communication in the southwest part of China, the Ancient Tea Horse Road is also referred to as the "Southern Silk Road". Nowadays, it has become a traveling route with the most spectacular natural scenery and mysterious culture in the world.

解析 1.第一句由三个短句组成,翻译时可处理成两个句子。其中“是……商贸通道”独立成句,“兴起于……,兴盛于……”则合并为一个句子,以and连接两个并列谓语“兴起(emerged)”和“兴盛(prospered)”。
2.第二句也是由多个短句组成,为避免句子冗长,翻译时同样可以拆分成两个句子。其中“源起于……。中间经过……,最后通到……”合并为一个句子,主干由三个并列谓语started from,passed through,finallyended组成。
3.“‘茶马古道’之所以得名是由于……”这句话内含因果关系,翻译时可用短语due to引出原因,即译为Theroad earned the name Tea Horse Road due to…。
4.倒数第二句“它是中国西南地区……‘南方的丝绸之路’”可将“被称作‘南方的丝绸之路’”作为句子主干,把“是中国……的通道”处理成as引导的介宾短语作状语,置于句首,即As a passage for economic andcultural communication...。
