黄龙风景区位于四川省西北部,是由众多雪峰和中国最东部的冰川组成的山谷。在这里人们可以找到高山景观和各种不同的森林生态系统,以及壮观的石灰岩构造、瀑布和温泉。黄龙风景名胜区处于三大地质构造单元的结合部,地理状况特别复杂。整个风景区总面积约1 340平方千米,

admin2015-08-31  56

问题     黄龙风景区位于四川省西北部,是由众多雪峰和中国最东部的冰川组成的山谷。在这里人们可以找到高山景观和各种不同的森林生态系统,以及壮观的石灰岩构造、瀑布和温泉。黄龙风景名胜区处于三大地质构造单元的结合部,地理状况特别复杂。整个风景区总面积约1 340平方千米,区内雪峰林立,海拔5 000米以上的就有7座。黄龙风景区还有珍贵的动植物资源。一些高等植物多为中国所特有,其中属国家一至三级保护植物的有11种。珍稀动物有大熊猫、金丝猴、牛羚、云豹等国家重点保护动物。


答案 Located in the northwest of Sichuan Province, Yellow Dragon Scenic Spot is a valley composed of many snow-capped peaks and China’s easternmost glaciers. Here people can find landscape of high mountains and various ecological systems of forests, apart from grandiose limestone formations, waterfalls and hot springs. Situated in where the three geological formations meet, the scenic spot is of complicated geographic situation. The whole region covers a total area of about 1 340 sq. km, packed with snow peaks, of which seven are 5 000 m above the sea level. There are also precious reserves of animals and plants in Yellow Dragon Scenic Spot. Some kinds of advanced vegetation are mostly unique of China, with 11 plants under class 2-3 national protection. Rare animals are giant pandas, golden monkeys, wildbeests and clouded leopards, which are all under key protection of the state.

