admin2012-01-22  1

Man: Good morning. I’m phoning to enquire about your office shelving system…code number SS007.
Woman: Oh yes, what would you like to know?
Man: Well, I’d like to check on the dimensions first—make sure that they’ll fit. First of all, how wide are they?
Woman: Just a moment, sir, I’ll get the specifications…you asked about the width…yes, the standard unit is 3. 5 meters wide.
Man: And the height?
Woman: They’re 2 meters high with flexible positions for the shelves.
Man: How many shelves can actually be fitted?
Woman: Really as many as you like, but normally five.
Man: I see. I need to know how much they stick out—in other words, how deep are they?
Woman: They’re 30 centimeters deep.
Man: Thanks, that’s the dimension. Now, what about delivery?
Woman: Well, it depends how far you are from our warehouse.
Man: We’re about ten miles from the center.
Woman: I see—well, that’s in our free delivery area, so there’ll be no extra charge for delivery.
Man: Good. Actually, what I meant was how long would it take after I place an order?
Woman: I see, sir. We guarantee delivery within two weeks.
Man: Good. Well, we’re interested in ten of your standard units for a suite of offices. How much do you charge?
Woman: Well, the unit cost is $98 but in view of the size of the order, we can offer a 5 percent discount…just a moment, I’ll just do the figures…yes, that comes to $931—let’s round it off and call it $930.
Man: That sounds reasonable. Finally, what sort of guarantee do you offer?
Woman: Wen, these units are extremely sturdy and reliable. There’s the usual one-year guarantee but they have an average life of at least 20 years…



