Lincoln was a strong executive who saved the government, saved the United States. He was a President who understood people, and,

admin2011-03-01  32

问题    Lincoln was a strong executive who saved the government, saved the United States. He was a President who understood people, and, when time came to make decisions, he was willing to take the responsibility and make those decisions, no matter how difficult they were. He knew how to treat people and how to make a decision stick, and that’s why he is regarded as such a great Administration.
   Carl Sandburg and a lot of others have tried to make something out of Lincoln that he wasn’t. He was a decent man, a good politician, and a great President, and they’ve tried to build up things that he never even thought about. I’ll bet a dollar and a half that if you read Sandburg’s biography of Lincoln, you’ll find things put into Lincoln’s mouth and mind that never even occurred to him. He was a good man who was in the place where he ought to have been at the time important events were taking place, but when they write about him as though he belongs in the pantheon (从神庙) of the gods, that’s not the man he really was. He was the best kind of ordinary man, and when I say that he was an ordinary man, I mean that as high praise, not deprecation. That’s the highest praise you can give a man. He’s one of the people and becomes distinguished in the service that he gives other people. He was one of the people, and he wanted to stay that way. And he was that way until the day he died. One of the reasons he was assassinated was because he didn’t feel important enough to have the proper guards around him at Ford’s Theatre.
What’s the author’s comment on Carl Sandburg’s biography of Lincoln?

选项 A、It’s objective.
B、It’s unfair to Lincoln.
C、It sang high praise of Lincoln.
D、It’s widely read.


解析 观点态度题。由文章的第二段第三句I’ll bet a dollar and a half that if you read Sandburg’s biography of Lincoln,you’ll find things put into Lincoln’s mouth and mind that never even occurred to him.“我敢打赌如果你读了Sandburg的林肯传记,你会读到一些没有发生在林肯身上的事情。”可知Sandburg的林肯传记过分褒扬了林肯,所以它不可能是客观
