You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same academic topic. You will then be asked a question about

admin2018-11-18  2

问题 You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same academic topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Motivation Research on Consumers
Motivation is psychologically considered as the initiation, direction, strength and continuity of certain behavior. It may be thought that people do any behavior with at least one motivation. However, things are not like that. Some companies, in order to find out why customers do not buy their products, make questionnaire surveys among consumers. But sometimes they also don’t know the exact reason. So, it is true that questionnaire research cannot reflect the motivation of consumers efficiently.
Now hear a talk on the same subject.
Question: Using information from the reading and the lecture, explain how the motivation research of consumers can help companies promote their business.
So we know that questionnaire surveys are not always useful unless we change our methods of research.
There is one clothes company whose sport suits didn’t sell well. The company wanted to know why and thus started an investigation. It didn’t ask the question directly, but instead offered respondents some magazines and scissors, asking them to cut out the photos that they think are most suitable for their sport suits. As a result, the respondents all cut out photos with athletes. So the company recognized that consumers think sport suits are only for sportsmen. Soon, after learning the responses that customers made on their products, the company started to make some changes and designed the suits in a way that customers believe to fit them well. Finally, the clothes company realized that knowing consumers’ purchasing motivation is the key to a good business and their products experienced better sales.


答案The lecture is about an academic concept called motivation research on customers. The professor gives an example to show how the motivation research on consumers enables companies to realize the initiation of consumers’ purchasing behavior in order to boost the sales of their products. According to the lecture, the professor says that a company producing sport suits wants to find out the reasons that their products don’t sell well. After a series of questionnaire researches on the consumers, the company realized that people don’t buy their sport suits simply because they think the suits fit only sportsmen. So the company redesign the suits and make them fit ordinary customers. This strategy helps the company realize what the customers like and also spur consumers’ motivation for purchasing their sport suits.

解析     Motivation Research on Consumers消费者动机研究。其定义是:Motivation is psychologically considered as the initiation,direction,strength and continuity of certain behaviors.模版:The reading is about an academic concept called…将标题和定义带入模版,即是对阅读文章的复述。
