In this part there is a passage in Chinese. Read it carefully and then write a summary of 200 words in English on the ANSWER SHE

admin2013-10-31  34

问题 In this part there is a passage in Chinese. Read it carefully and then write a summary of 200 words in English on the ANSWER SHEET. Make sure that your summary covers the major points of the passage.
    幼儿的早餐 幼儿正值生长发育的旺盛时期,应当注意补充丰富的蛋白质和钙(calcium),尽量少吃含糖较高的食物,以免引起龋齿(decayed tooth)和肥胖,如果在条件许可的情况下,幼儿的早餐通常以适量的牛奶、鸡蛋和面包为佳。当然,也可以用果汁或粥代替牛奶,或者用饼干、馒头代替面包。
    青少年的早餐 青少年时期身体发育较快,是肌肉和骨骼生长的重要时期,需要足够的钙、维生素C、维生素A等营养成分,尤其是要保证充足的热量供应。青少年比较合理的早餐是一杯牛奶、适量的新鲜水果或蔬菜、100克干点(面包、馒头、大饼或饼干等含碳水化合物(carbohydrate)较高的食品)。所含的热量要充分满足青少年脑力活动与体力活动的需要。
    中年人的早餐 人到中年,肩挑工作、家务两副重担,身心的负荷相当重,加上中年时期组织器官的功能和生理功能日渐减退,其体力和精力都不如青少年。为了减缓中年人衰退的过程,推迟“老年期”的来到,除了要保持乐观的思想情绪和进行必要的体育锻炼之外,合理地搭配膳食也非常重要。中年人的饮食,既要含有丰富的蛋白质:维生素、钙、磷(phosphorus)等,还应保证低热量、低脂肪并适当地控制碳水化合物的摄入量。中年人较理想的早餐是:鸡蛋、豆浆或粥,干点(馒头、大饼、饼干和面包均可)和适量的蔬菜。
    老年人的早餐 老年人的新陈代谢(metabolism)已经明显衰退,但必需的营养成分不能减少,尤其是要保证钙的供应,以防止老年人的骨质疏松(osteoporosis),老年人的早餐除了供应牛奶和豆浆以外,还可多吃粥、面条、肉松和花生酱等既容易消化、又含有丰富营养的食物。除此之外,老年人的早餐应注意少吃油炸类食品。因为这类食物脂肪含量较高,胃肠一般难以承受,容易出现消化不良,并易诱发胆、胰疾患,或使这类疾病复发、加重。多次使用的油里往往含有较多的致癌物质,如果常吃油炸的食品,可增加患癌症的危险。老年人还要少吃甜食,因为多余的糖在体内转化为脂肪,容易引起无机盐缺乏。动物内脏类如肝、肾、脑等胆固醇(cholesterol)含量甚高,老年人如经常食用,会使血中胆固醇增高,从而容易引发冠心病、动脉硬化、高血压等心脑血管疾病,或使原有的疾病加重。


答案 Health Begins with Breakfast Most people ignore the importance of breakfast or even skip it. In fact breakfast is essential to guarantee our heath, maintain physical energy and improve efficiency of our work and study. Furthermore, as health experts suggest, breakfasts should be varied among people of different ages. Breakfast for infants should contain rich protein and calcium due to the fact that they are in rapid body growth. On the other hand, to avoid decayed tooth or obesity, their diet should not have too much sugar in it. Breakfast for teenagers should provide enough calcium, vitamins and sufficient calories to meet the need of fast growth of muscles and bones. An ideal option for adolescence’ s breakfast is a cup of milk, some fresh vegetables or fruit and 100 grams of carbohydrate food. Middle-aged people have to deal with constant pressure from work and family but their physical function is declining. Thus they have to take in enough protein, vitamins, calcium and phosphorus, while strictly control calories and fat in their diet. Old people’ s metabolism system is already fragile. For breakfast, they should have foods that are nutritious and easy to digest. Calcium can not be missed in order to prevent osteoporosis. However, fried food and animal organs should be avoided.

解析 本文开头讨论了早餐的重要性,接着依次给出了不同年龄层的早餐的合理搭配建议。为了满足摘要的字数要求,可以适当省略具体食物名称,简要概括理由,重点强调早餐的构成成分。由于原文汉语表达多重复性的内容,在英文摘要中应注意避免一词反复使用的现象。
