One day he saw Lincoln—a tall, shambling man, long, bony, gawky, but tremendously impressive. It was a raw, slushy morning of a

admin2011-03-10  7

问题   One day he saw Lincoln—a tall, shambling man, long, bony, gawky, but tremendously impressive. It was a raw, slushy morning of a late February day, and the great war President was just through with his solemn pronunciamento in regard to the bonds that might have been strained but must not be broken. As he issued from the doorway of Independence Hall, that famous birthplace of liberty, his face was set in a sad, meditative calm. Cowperwood looked at him fixedly as he issued from the doorway surrounded by chiefs of staff, local dignitaries, detectives, and the curious, sympathetic faces of the public. As he studied the strangely rough-hewn countenance a sense of the great worth and dignity of the man came over him.
   "A real man, that," he thought,"a wonderful temperament". His every gesture came upon him with great force. He watched him enter his carriage, thinking "So that is the railsplitter, the country lawyer. Well, fate has picked a great man for this crisis".


答案有一天,他见到了林肯,一个步态蹒跚的高个子,他又瘦又高,显得腼腆,但给人的印象极为深刻。这是二月末的一个阴寒、冰雪融化的早晨。这位伟大的战时总统刚刚对联邦问题发表了庄严的声明。他说联邦尽管到了紧张的地步,但决不能任其分裂。他从著名的自南发祥地——独立大厦的门口走出来,脸上露出忧郁、沉思而镇静的神情。当他在军队参谋长、地方显贵、警探以及许多好奇而拥护他的群众的簇拥之下走出门时,考珀伍德凝视着他。考珀伍德仔细瞧着林肯那张粗陋得出奇的脸,深深地感受到他的伟大和尊严。 他暗自思忖,“那真是一位了不起的人物.他有一种非儿的气质。”他突然觉得林肯的一举一动都显示出巨大的威力。他看着林肯上了马车,心想:“哦,一位伐木工人、乡村律师,原来竟是这么一个人呵!嗯,上帝找到一位伟大人物来应对这场危机。”

解析    本段翻译要注意灵活处理各种句子结构,适当添加一些成分,使译文显得自然流畅。如第二句很长,要注意把句子拆译成几个小句,添加一些成分,这样翻译出来更自然。其次,还要注意适当变换句子的顺序,如“It was a raw,slushy morning of a late February day”译成中文“这是二月末的一个阴寒、冰雪融化的早晨”,选择了适合中文的表达习惯,还有“Independence Hall,that famous birthplace of liberty”,译成中文“自由发祥地——独立大厦”,顺序也略作了调整。另外,还要注意个别词的翻译,不能想当然译成本意,要推敲其在具体语境中的含义,如studied和rail-splitter,不能译成“研究”和“分轨人”。
   1.第一句中,注意几个并列形容词修饰语的翻译,不能简单地逐词翻译出来,堆砌在一起,要灵活处理。必要时添加一个主语。“long,bony,gawky,but tremendously impressive”翻译成“他又瘦又高,显得腼腆,但给人的印象极为深刻”。
   2.第二句是一个and连接的并列句,较长,翻译时可以拆成几个分句。“a raw,slushy morning of a late February clay”中morning前后共有三个修饰成分,翻译成“二月末的一个阴寒、冰雪融化的早晨”。“great war President”翻译为“伟大的战时总统”。“was just through with”译为“刚刚发表了”,词组be through with意思是“刚刚做完……”。“bond”这里是比喻义,表示“联邦组织”,“联邦关系”,不能译成“纽带”。“…that might have been strained but must not be broken”,英语中that引导的定语从句翻译成汉语时如果一律放在它所修饰的名词前面,句子就显得累赘不堪,如果采用长句拆译法,把这一定语从句拆开翻译成另一分句,则自然流畅得多。此句译成“他说联邦尽管到了紧张的地步,但决不能任其分裂”。
   3.第三句中“issue”译成“走出”。并列短语“Independence Hall,that famous birthplace of liberty”直接译成“自由发祥地——独立大厦”,顺序略作调整。“his face was set in a sad,meditative calm”翻泽成中文时注意转换为适合中文的表达法“脸上露出忧郁、沉思而镇静的神情”。
   4.第四句中“Cowperwood looked at him fixedly”译为“考珀伍德凝视着他”。
   6.“A real man,that,”he thought,“a wonderful temperament.”这句翻译时要注意添加主语,使逻辑关系更加清楚。译为“他暗自思忖,‘那真是一位了不起的人物,他有一种非凡的气质。’”
