Worried about Internet companies spying on your online browsing? You might turn to something called a virtual private network to

admin2018-03-26  25

问题     Worried about Internet companies spying on your online browsing? You might turn to something called a virtual private network to protect your privacy. But researchers say these networks can themselves be insecure.
    Earlier this year, the federal government rolled back rules that would have prevented Internet service providers from tracking your activity online. Comcast, AT&T and other providers are now allowed to track and sell your personal data too—with much less fear of regulatory action.
    One solution is a VPN, which is like a dark, secret tunnel you use to go from your computer to a website. While you’re inside the tunnel—clicking on Instagram photos or checking your bank account—third parties can’t see what you’re doing. There are lots of reasons people around the world use VPNs: to hide location, to access work networks, even to avoid government censorship (审查).
    Internet providers handle customer privacy in different ways. Some say you have to opt in for them to sell your data. Because of Internet-connected devices, providers can see more than the websites you browse.
    So, who cares whether Time Warner Cable or Verizon knows when I turn off my lights or whether I stock my fridge with Swiss or cheddar?
    For one thing, those data points can be used to target advertising. And the government or private companies could use the information to deny services, like health insurance—or even water.
    Some VPNs promise anonymous (匿名的) browsing for free or just a few dollars a month; they claim not to share your data. But these services don’t always deliver on their promises. Sometimes the medicine might be worse than the illness. In the first major review of VPN providers, what researchers found was alarming. Nearly 40 percent injected malware (恶意软件).
    Experts suggest researching a VPN before using it and to think of it as a supplementary tool, not a privacy solution. They advise reading the VPN service provider’s privacy policy to see whether it collects or retains any user information that could be traced back to you.
What is the author’s suggestion for choosing a VPN?

选项 A、To ask for other customers’ advice.
B、To sign an agreement on privacy policy.
C、To avoid the frequent use of a VPN.
D、To carefully select a VPN service provider.


解析 推理判断题。定位段首句提到,专家建议在使用之前先研究一下虚拟专用网络;第二句给出具体建议:阅读虚拟专用网络服务提供商的隐私政策。由此推断,作者建议应该仔细选择虚拟专用网络供应商,故答案为D)。A)“寻求其他用户的建议”,文中未提及相关内容,故排除;B)“签订一份有关隐私政策的协议”,文中只提到建议阅读虚拟专用网络服务提供商的隐私政策,并没有提到签署协议,故排除;C)“避免频繁使用虚拟专用网络”,由定位段可知,文中未涉及虚拟专用网络使用频率的问题,故排除。
