
admin2020-09-02  29

问题     小巷的动人处就是它无比的悠闲。无论谁,只要你到巷里去踟躇一会,你的心情就会如巷尾不波的古井,那是一种和平的静穆,而不是阴森和肃杀。它闹中取静,别有天地,仍是人间。它可能是一条现代的乌农巷,家家有自己的一本哀乐账,一部兴衰史,可是重门叠户,讳莫如深。夕阳影里,野花闲草,燕子低飞,寻觅归家。只是一片澄明如水的气氛,净化一切,笼罩一切,使人忘忧。


答案When the sun is setting, swallows will fly low back to their nests over wild flowers and grass. This kind of placid atmosphere, purging and permeating everything, makes us forget all worries. The lane seems to be a haven in the swelling sea of human beings, giving us a sense of security. It is a quiet place in the noisy cities, offering a pleasant serenity. Unlike the road for royal family’s vehicles, it is for common people to loiter about for leisure. Those who chase wealth and fame, and haggle over every penny, please go to the downtown. Those who are sharp-tongued and always argue over the rights and wrongs, please go to the teahouse and restaurant. Those who like sound of gongs and drums as well as the din of wind and string instruments, please go to the opera house and theater. Those who are tired of chasing wealth and fame but prefer serenity and meditation, welcome to the lane!

解析 1.画线部分第一段第一句翻译时需注意汉语与英语的区别,汉语习惯使用四字结构,重意合,英语重形合,所以翻译时,须找出句子的主干结构,这里“燕子低飞……归家”是句子的主干,所以译为主句,其他枝干成分依附于此即可,故可译为When the sun is setting,swallows will fly low back to their nests over wild flowers and grass.
3.画线部分第二段句子较长,翻译时可采用“拆译法”将其拆为三句。“巷,是人海汹汹中的一道避风塘,给人带来安全感”如果直接译成两个并列句,较为平淡,故将“给人带来安全感”以分词形式表述,译作giving us a sense of security,使得句子结构清晰,层次分明。“是城市喧嚣扰攘中的一带洞天幽静”可译为it is a quiet place in the noisy cities,offering a pleasant serenity。这样既完美地呈现了原文之意,又和前句构成排比,使句式工整有力。
4.画线部分第三段是个长句,同时也是个排比句,其中“爱……,请到……去”译为those who…,please go to…;“逐臭争利”中的“臭”可以联想到“铜臭,金钱”,“争利”顾名思义即争名夺利,故“逐臭争利”译为chasing wealth and fame;“锱铢必较”中的“锱”和“铢”都是古代很小的重量单位,形容非常小气,很少的钱也一定要计较,所以此处译作haggle over every penny。
