在写文章中我可是有个志愿——希望能写出一本好的剧本来。虽然我是没有什么远大志愿的人,这个志愿——写个好剧本——可的确不算很小。要达到这个志愿,我须 第一,去读很多很多的书——顶好是能上外国去读几年书。 第二,我须有戏必看,去“养”我的眼睛。

admin2019-04-11  78

问题     在写文章中我可是有个志愿——希望能写出一本好的剧本来。虽然我是没有什么远大志愿的人,这个志愿——写个好剧本——可的确不算很小。要达到这个志愿,我须
    把上述四项都做到,我还不知道我是否有写剧的天才。假若没有,我的工夫虽然下到了,  可还是难以如愿。这个志愿真的不算小!


答案 Talking about writing, I have a dream to realize. I hope I can write a good play some day. Though I am not a man of ambition, this dream is not a small one. To realize my dream... Firstly, I need to read a lot or, better still, spend a couple of years studying abroad. Secondly, I must go to the theater and see as many plays as possible to cultivate my eyes. Thirdly, I should get a job at the theater for a year or two to be in everyday contact with directors, actors and all kinds of technicians. Fourthly, perhaps, I should also learn some acting, getting a minor role to play from time to time. Even with all these prerequisites fulfilled, I am still not sure that I have the aptitude of a play-wright. If not, my dream cannot come true even if I have worked the hardest. So you see, in this sense, my dream is really not a small one.

解析     老舍(1899--1966),原名舒庆春,字舍予。中国现代小说家、著名作家,杰出的语言大师、人民艺术家,新中国第一位获得“人民艺术家”称号的作家。代表作有《骆驼祥子》《四世同堂》,剧本《茶馆》。本文选自他的散文《我有一个梦想》,语言生动且具有较强的口语特点,翻译时要将其体现出来。
