A、Pay for some of the food. B、Insist on choosing their own food. C、Treat Gary to dinner some other time. D、Thank Gary for his ge

admin2015-07-16  22

M:I’d like to pick this film up by four tomorrow afternoon.
W:I can have in for you at two if you’d like.
Q:What does the woman say about the film?
M:Gary insists on buying the food for the picnic.
W:That’s pretty generous, but shouldn’t we at least offer to share the expense?
Q:What does the woman suggest they do?

选项 A、Pay for some of the food.
B、Insist on choosing their own food.
C、Treat Gary to dinner some other time.
D、Thank Gary for his generous offer


解析 “shouldn’t we”是建议做某事的一种常见句型;“share”是“共享,均分”的意思。W建议大家均摊开支,也就是,共同支付食物的费用。正确答案是A。
