On April 26, 1937, at 4:40 P. M. , the Condor Legion of the German air force bombed peacefully, undefended Guernica to virtually

admin2010-10-14  37

问题     On April 26, 1937, at 4:40 P. M. , the Condor Legion of the German air force bombed peacefully, undefended Guernica to virtually total destruction. It took three hours and five minutes. For the German high command, it was an opportunity for their fighter pilots to practice saturation-bombing(饱和轰炸)and dive-bombing techniques designed to terrorize and kill fleeting civilians.
    Photographers and journalists who reported the bombing described it as a violence of then unparalleled horror. Guernica was the first city in history to be destroyed by aerial bombardment. World War II, for which the Spanish Civil War was a military dress rehearsal, would ultimately numb(使麻木)the world with its terrible destruction of Dresden and Hiroshima. While a contented world was unwilling to challenge the denials of France, the Germans, and the Vatican, one man decided to reveal the dimensions of the violent incident.
    Photographs of the bombing appeared in Paris newspapers within a day or two. And Pablo Picasso, acclaimed by many as the artistic genius of our age, immediately began his preliminary sketches for the mural(壁画), Guernica, which he gave to the Republican government to hang in the 1937 International Exposition in Paris. Today, Guernica is widely hailed as the greatest political painting of the twentieth century.
    Much controversy has arisen as to the specific meaning of the various elements of the painting. Does the bull represent fascism? Spain? Brutality and darkness? Picasso himself, never one to be bound by other people’s need for precise references, was no help. Critics have had a field day analyzing and explaining the masterpiece. What has never been in doubt is that the powerful mural is a symbolic, figurative painting made to express an exiled Spaniard’s terrible rage at the agony imposed on a defenseless town of innocent men, women, and children. He was painting their agony, Spain’s agony, and his own agony.
    A few years later, when German soldiers visited Picasso’s studio in Paris during the occupation of France in World War II, the painter handed out postcards of the Guernica mural to his unwanted and uninvited visitors.
    "Did you do this?" one of the surprised soldiers exclaimed. "No," Picasso is supposed to have replied, "you did."
After the bombing of Guernica, the Germans ______.

选项 A、managed to launch the Spanish Civil War
B、frightened the whole world into silence
C、went on to wipe out Dresden and Hiroshima
D、did not admit their crime


解析 由选项可知该题是在问炸毁Guernica以后的结果。由第二段最后一句:当世界不愿意质问德国对Guemica的暴行,一个人决定揭发这个事件,所以选D),did not admit等于denials。B)中的whole是绝对意义的词,应排除;A)和C)并不是爆炸的结果。
