
admin2015-04-28  52

问题 中国将环境保护列为基本国策。根据环境保护法,继续污染水、空气环境等将受到经济的制裁及法律的严惩。非法猎杀、贩卖、走私野生动物及濒危物种将受到法律严惩。中国坚持环境保护与经济建设并重。植树造林工程被列入了“中国21世纪议程”,其为联合国环境规划署资助的重要项目。在中国还有六个其他的植树造林工程:三北防护林、长江绿化带、平原农田绿化网、沿海防风带、西北风沙控制项目和速生长木材林发展项目。要努力提高沿海环境,中国计划建立近海自然保护区和海洋保护区,以保护海洋生物及生态。


答案 China has listed environmental protection as one of its basic policies. According to its Environmental Protection Law, industrial enterprises, which continue to pollute the water, air, atmosphere, etc. will face economic sanctions in addition to legal penalties. Illegal killing, trading and smuggling of wild animals or endangered species will also be severely punished. China maintains that environmental protection should go hand in hand with economic construction. Afforestation Project has been listed on the "21 Agenda of China" , which is known as a key construction project in the UN-sponsored global environmental programme. It is another vital afforestation undertaking in China, besides 6 other major projects — the 3 North Shelterbelt, the Yangtze River Greenbelt, the Plain Farmland Afforestation Network, the Coastal Windbreak, the Northwest Sand-Control Project and the Fast-Growing Timber Forest Development Project. In an effort to improve its coastal environment, China is ready to establish more offshore nature reserves and marine protection zone to protect marine life and ecology.

