A、The state subsidizes small and medium enterprises. B、The government has control over bicycle imports. C、They can compete with

admin2022-07-26  25

W: Jack, sit down and listen. This is important. We’ll have to tackle the problems of exporting step by step. And the first move is to get an up-to-date picture of where we stand now.
M: Why don’t we just concentrate on expanding here at home?
W: Of course, we should hold on to our position here. But you must admit the market here is limited.
M: Yes, but it’s safe. The government keeps out foreigners with import controls, though 1 must admit I feel sure we could hold our own against foreig bikes.
W: I agree. That’s why I’m suggesting exporting, because I feel we can compete with the best of them.
M: What you are really saying is that we’d make more profit by selling bikes abroad, where we have a cost advantage and can charge higher prices.
W: Exactly.
M: But, wait a minute. Packaging, shipping, financing, etc. will push up our costs and we could end up no better off, maybe worse off.
W: OK. Now there are extra costs involved. But if we do it right, they can be built into the price of the bike and we can still be competitive.
M: How sure are you about our chances of success in the foreign market?
W: Well, that’s the sticky one. It’s going to need a lot of research. I’m hoping to get your help. Well, come on, Jack. Is it worth it, or not?
M: There’ll be a lot of problems.
W: Nothing we can’t handle.
M: Um…I’m not that hopeful. But, yes, I think we should go ahead with a feasibility study.
W: Marvelous, Jack. I was hoping you’d be on my side.
1. What does the woman intend to do?
2.Why does the man think it’s safe to focus on the home market?
3. What is the man’s concern about selling bikes abroad?
4.What do the speakers agree to do?

选项 A、The state subsidizes small and medium enterprises.
B、The government has control over bicycle imports.
C、They can compete with the best domestic manufacturers.
D、They have a cost advantage and can charge higher prices.


解析 在对话中,当女士说国内市场比较有限之后,男士回答说,虽然如此,但是国内市场比较安全,因为政府通过进口管制政策限制外国商品的进入,所以他非常确信他们可以维持在国内的市场地位,抵制国外生产的自行车的竞争。由此可知,男士认为专注于国内市场比较安全的原因是政府对自行车进口有管制,故B项正确。A、C两项对话中未提及;D项说的是两位说话者所在公司生产的产品在国外市场而非国内市场的优势,故三项均可排除。
