Conventional wisdom has it that male birds are loyal and faithful because the business of feeding nestling is so demanding that

admin2010-03-26  19

问题     Conventional wisdom has it that male birds are loyal and faithful because the business of feeding nestling is so demanding that it takes two to rear the clutch successfully. Cooperation is therefore the best way of ensuring reproductive success.
    By contrast, most mammals have a lengthy gestation (怀孕) follower by lactation (哺乳期), which leaves males on the sidelines. With little to contribute to the rearing process, they tend to opt for polygamy (一夫多妻) in one form or another.
    Male mammals are only monogamous (一夫一妻的) under a limited number of condition. One is when females are so widely dispersed that a male would find it difficult to defend more than one at a. time. In this case, he may do well to stick with one female to make sure that no other males mate with her when she does come into estrus (发情期). The dik-dik, a diminutive African antelope, is one species that seems to live by this role.
    However, many species are monogamous even when males could in principle defend several females. In these cases, it turns out that the male provides a service for the female. By investing in her and his young, the male gains more offspring in a lifetime than he does by pursuing the alternative strategy of polygamy.
    In South American marmoset and tamarin monkeys, this service amounts to full responsibility for everything to do with childcare, except lactation. As a result, females manage to produce twins twice a year—if they had to do all the work alone, it is unlikely that they could do better than a single infant once a year. So, males who become monogamous and share the workload can expect to obtain around four times as many offspring as males who abandon their mates in favor of serial polygamy. A polygamous male would have to locate and mate with at least four times as many females as a monogamous one, so it pays to be monogamous.
    As for humans, monogamy may have developed hand in hand with the evolution of large brains. Pair bonding could have ensured that women got enough food to raise-their big-brained, slow-growing and highly vulnerable offspring to adulthood. Our ancestors probably opted for some form of monogamy when they began eating meat and hunting.
According to the passage, male marmoset and tamarin monkeys ______

选项 A、can’t defend more than one female
B、practice monogamy
C、get more offspring
D、invest heavily in their partners and the young


解析 事实细节题。根据第四段的内容以及第五段第一句可以判断选项B“实行一夫一妻制”是正确选项。A“不能保护多个雌性”和第四段第一句不符;B“实行一夫一妻制”是第四段第一句中的同义转述,C“有更多的后代”是对第五段第二、三句的概括;D“在他们的伴侣、后代身上花了很大的工夫”是对第五段第一句话的同义转述。
