The Management of Change Today, change is a permanent characteristic of business activity. In some cases it is expected and

admin2012-01-22  360

问题                      The Management of Change
    Today, change is a permanent characteristic of business activity. In some cases it is expected and planned for. In others it is not. Some changes may be impossible to forecast and therefore pose the greatest danger. The effect will be heightened when the factors driving change fall beyond the control of the business. New consumer tastes, the rise of competitors, new legislation and economic fluctuations are all examples of this.
    People bring about change,  but they are also the most important barrier to its success. Individuals may resist change to protect pay, for example. It often takes time for workers to adapt. and if payment is based on output, they may, to begin with, earn less. They may also, since change can endanger a person’s authority,  regard change as a threat to their status. In addition, the wish to maintain group membership can be strong, and workers may resist change because they are worried about what others may think if they do not.
    There are two key ways in which managers can help individuals overcome their natural resistance to change. The first is to involve those affected at every stage of the process so they understand why a new approach is necessary and have an interest in its success. To achieve this, when a decision is to be made, a proposal should pass between all employees who have an interest in the outcome. They are then asked to comment on the idea: in this way agreement about the best way forward gradually emerges and a final plan can be developed.
    Of course, this is much less useful if rapid change is needed in response to a crisis. An alternative is to keep all those people affected by a change informed of what is happening at each stage of the process. Make sure everyone is aware of the options available. Many of the difficulties caused by a new situation are the result of fear of the unknown, but by informing those involved, some of the uncertainty can be removed.
    When change is actually introduced, the process must be controlled. The final outcome of the programme should be the situation that was identified as ’where we want to be’ in the initial planning phase. Targets should be set for each stage to ensure that progress is focused and does not slow down. It is essential that each target is measurable and that people recognise what is involved. If the outcome of each stage is well defined, action can be taken if the process shows any sign of moving out of control.
    One individual experienced at managing change is Martin Chambers, CEO of a North American computer firm. He says,  "The secret is to build an organisation that isn’t afraid to make changes while it’s still on top, when it’s not a matter of survival, " He also encourages his management team to learn  from competitors. "It’s important to understand how the market works, to know what products are available, and to always be thinking ahead." His approach signals that failure to constantly adapt to market conditions is why companies fall from positions of market dominance.  
According to the text, the attitude of staff towards change can be influenced by

选项 A、unrealistic productivity targets.
B、the opinions of colleagues.
C、new managers being brought in.
D、a longer working day being introduced.


解析 题目意为:“根据本文作者的观点,员工对变革的态度受什么影响?”文中第二段列出一些人们抗拒变革的原因,例如,不愿意降薪,不希望自己的权威或地位受到威胁等。此外,文中指出“the wish to maintain group membership can be strong, and workers may resist change because they are worried about what others may think if they do not.”即:成为集体中的一员这种意愿会很强烈,员工可能会因为担心如果自己对变革不持抗拒态度,别人会有不好的看法。由此可见,B项“同事的看法”为正确选项。
