South Korea’s stem cell scientists have cloned a dog, smashing another biological barrier and reigniting a fierce ethical debate

admin2014-06-02  26

问题     South Korea’s stem cell scientists have cloned a dog, smashing another biological barrier and reigniting a fierce ethical debate—while producing a perky, lovable puppy. This immediately renewed calls for a global ban on human reproductive cloning before the technology moves any farther.
    "Successful cloning of an increasing number of species confirms the general impression that it would be possible to clone any mammalian species, including humans," said Ian Wilmut, a reproductive biologist at the University of Edinburgh who produced the first cloned mammal, Dolly the sheep, from an adult cell nearly a decade ago. Researchers have since cloned cats, goats, cows, mice, pigs, rabbits, horses, deer, mules and gaur, a large wild ox of Southeast Asia. So far, efforts to clone a monkey or another primate with the same techniques have failed. Uncertainties about the health and life span of cloned animals persist; Dolly died prematurely in 2003 after developing cancer and arthritis.


答案 韩国研究干细胞的科学家们成功克隆了一只狗.这只活泼可爱的小狗的克隆成功不仅突破了生物学上的又一壁垒,也再次引发了一场激烈的伦理之争。立即有人再次呼吁,在克隆技术再有什么发展之前,全世界应禁止人的生殖性克隆。 爱丁堡大学生殖生物学家伊恩?维尔莫特称:“越来越多的物种被成功克隆使人们确信:所有哺乳动物,包括人类本身,都是可能被克隆的。”维尔莫特是第一个克隆哺乳动物的科学家,大约10年前他成功利用成体细胞克隆了绵羊多莉。此后研究人员相继克隆了猫、山羊、牛、老鼠、猪、兔子、马、鹿、骡及白肢野牛(东南亚地区一种大野牛)。但迄今为止,用同样方法克隆猴子或其他灵长类动物的尝试均告失败。克隆动物的健康状况及寿命也仍然存在不确定性;绵羊多莉2003年就因患癌症及关节炎夭亡。

解析 1、克隆技术有什么新的突破,有无问题,前景如何,本段文字给出了简要回答,要译好本段文字,考生必须具有这一领域的知识,并掌握与此相关的表达。
3、第1段第2句的This immediately renewed calls以This作主语,以保持上下文的连贯,同时体现了英文的客体意识,译文“立即有人再次呼吁”增加了“有人”作主语,体现了汉语的主体意识。
