
admin2010-07-06  45

—What do you want me to get then?
—Er... well, go to the green grocer’s first.
—Yeah, the green grocer’s. OK.
—Let me see, potatoes, new potatoes, not mottled ones. I mean they’re really not very good any more. Urm, three pounds...
—Hang on. I’m trying to write this down. New potatoes.
—Three pounds.
—Three pounds. Yes.
—Spring onions, one bunch.
—One bunch of spring onions.
—And a pound of bananas.
—And a pound of bananas. OK.
—And then, could you go to the supermarket as well?
—Yes, yes.
—Mm, let me see. A packet of sugar cubes.
—A packet of sugar cubes.
—Yeah. Cubes, mind you, not the other stuff.
—Coffee, instant coffee, please get Nescafe, Nescafe gold blend.
—Yeah. I don’t really like any other kinds.
—OK. Nescafe... what did you say?
—Gold blend.
—Gold blend. Yeah.
—You know one of those eight-ounce jars.
—Eight ounces. Yes, yes.
—Cooking oil.
—Cooking oil.
—Sunflower you see, I need it for.
—What is it? What’s that?
—I need it for a special recipe.
—Never heard of that.
—Sunflower cooking oil.
—Any special kind?
—Dry white.
—Dry white wine. Yeah.
—And some bread.
—Some bread. Any particular kind?
—Any kind?
—Any kind, yeah.
—OK. Yeah. Anything else?
—Oh yes, hang on. I forget apples. Golden delicious, urm, from the green grocer’s.
—Golden delicious apples. How many?
—Two pounds.
—Two pounds.



