In the quest for the perfect lawns, homeowners across the country are taking a shortcut—and it is the environment that is paying

admin2023-03-23  12

问题     In the quest for the perfect lawns, homeowners across the country are taking a shortcut—and it is the environment that is paying the price. About eight million square metres of plastic grass is sold each year but opposition has now spread to the highest gardening circles. The Chelsea Flower Show has banned fake grass from this year’s event, declaring it to be not part of its ethos. The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) , which runs the annual show in west London, says it has introduced the ban because of the damage plastic grass does to the environment and biodiversity.
    Ed Home of the RHS said: " We launched our sustainability strategy last year and fake grass is just not in line with our ethos and views on plastic. We recommend using real grass because of its environmental benefits, which include supporting wildlife, alleviating flooding and cooling the environment. "
    The RHS’s decision comes as campaigners try to raise awareness of the problems fake grass causes. A Twitter account, which claims to "cut through the greenwash" of artificial grass, already has more than 20,000 followers. It is trying to encourage people to sign two petitions, one calling for a ban on the sale of plastic grass and another calling for an "ecological damage" tax on such lawns. They have gathered 7,276 and 11,282 signatures.
    However, supporters of fake grass point out that there is also an environmental impact with natural lawns, which need mowing and therefore usually consume electricity or petrol. The industry also points out that real grass requires considerable amounts of water, weed killer or other treatments and that people who lay fake grass tend to use their garden more. The industry also claims that people who lay fake grass spend an average of £ 500 on trees or shrubs for their garden, which provides habitat for insects.
    In response to another petition last year about banning fake lawns, which gathered 30,000 signatures, the government responded that it has " no plans to ban the use of artificial grass. "
    It added: " We prefer to help people and organizations make the right choice rather than legislating on such matters. However, the use of artificial grass must comply with the legal and policy safeguards in place to protect biodiversity and ensure sustainable drainage, while measures such as the strengthened biodiversity duty should serve to encourage public authorities to consider sustainable alternatives. "
It can be learned from the text that fake grass________.

选项 A、is being improved continuously
B、has seen a market share decline
C、is becoming increasingly affordable
D、has been a controversial product


解析 主旨题。本文第一、二、三段指出了关于人造草坪的反对声音,第四段指出人造草坪支持者的观点。由此可知,人造草坪是一个有争议的产品。故正确答案为选项D。本文并未提及有关人造草坪正在被不断改进的内容,故排除选项A;本文并未提及有关人造草坪市场份额的内容,只是文章第一、二、三段说明了各方呼吁人们使用天然草坪,但这不能说明人造草坪的市场份额降低了,故排除选项B;本文并未提及有关人造草坪的价格问题,故排除选项C。
