舞狮(lion dance)是我国优秀的民间艺术。每逢佳节或集会庆典,民间都以舞狮来助兴。舞狮有南北之分,南方以广东的舞狮表演最为有名。狮子是由彩布条制作而成的。每头狮子由两个人合作表演,一人舞头,一人舞尾。表演者在锣鼓音乐下,装扮成狮子的样子,做出狮子的

admin2019-09-13  33

问题    舞狮(lion dance)是我国优秀的民间艺术。每逢佳节或集会庆典,民间都以舞狮来助兴。舞狮有南北之分,南方以广东的舞狮表演最为有名。狮子是由彩布条制作而成的。每头狮子由两个人合作表演,一人舞头,一人舞尾。表演者在锣鼓音乐下,装扮成狮子的样子,做出狮子的各种形态动作。在表演过程中,舞狮者要以各种招式来表现南派武功,非常富有阳刚之气(masculine)。舞狮成为元宵节(the Lantern Festival)和其他节日的习俗,人们以此来祈祷好运、平安和幸福。


答案 As an outstanding folk art in China, lion dance is performed at every festival, gathering or celebra tion for entertainment. There is a difference between the lion dance in the south and in the north. In the south, lion dance performance in Guangdong is the most famous one. The lion is made of colored cloth. Dance of each lion is performed by two people acting in concert, one managing the head and the other managing the tail. Dressed as lions, performers make all kinds of movements like lions with the music of gong and drum. In the process of performance, lion dancers are trying to show martial arts of the south through a variety of moves, looking very masculine. Lion dance has become a custom of the Lantern Festival and other festivals, during which people pray for good fortune, peace and happiness.

