Write an essay based on the drawing. In your writing, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intende

admin2017-05-13  5

问题     Write an essay based on the drawing. In your writing, you should
    1) describe the drawing briefly,
    2) explain its intended meaning, and
    3) give your comments.
    You should write about 150 words.


答案 In the picture, two birds are flying in the sky. In the meantime, they are together carrying a cage with their claws. Inside the cage, a little bird is also flying. This picture is trying to draw our attention to the problem of parents’ overprotection of their children. The two birds can be exactly described as "helicopter parents" who are always hovering over their children trying to keep them from danger. In my opinion, "helicopter parents" would only do more harm than good to their kids. To begin with, kids would fail to grow independent under their parents’ strict control. Moreover, kids with excessive protection would not be able to form a realistic view about the world. Just like the bird in the cage, overprotected kids would see the world as a forever safe place in which they do not need to worry about anything at all. Sadly, this fantasy is not true and even dangerous. In short, in order to help children become independent and see the real world, parents should smash the protective cage.

解析 这幅图片描绘了两只鸟抬着一个鸟笼在飞翔,鸟笼里面有一只小鸟。从标题“‘关’爱”可看出.该图对鸟爸和鸟妈过分保护小鸟的行为提出质疑,认为父母应放手让孩子接受锻炼。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,并指出图片的内在含义:父母不应该过度保护孩子。第二段提出个人看法:过分关爱孩子弊大于利。其一,孩子在父母严格监管下无法学会独立处事。其二,过度保护下的孩子无法对现实世界进行正确判断。第三段提出建议:父母应该打破过度保护的牢笼。
