Part-time jobs are beneficial to college students in many aspects, and some people believe that senior high school students shou

admin2017-07-05  45

问题     Part-time jobs are beneficial to college students in many aspects, and some people believe that senior high school students should also be encouraged to do part-time jobs. This is allowable in law in most countries as long as the teens are above a certain age. The following article discusses this practice.
    Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
    1. summarize briefly the article, and then
    2. express your opinion on it, especially whether we should encourage senior high school students to take part-time jobs.
    Should Your Teen Keep Her Job into the School Year?
    It was just about a year ago that Saba Ghahari, who is now 18, decided against working part-time during the school year so that she could concentrate on her grades.
    It’s a choice few students make: About 65 per cent of high-school students who can work part-time do. And with those jobs, school, homework and extracurricular activities, Canadian teens are busier than ever, according to a study from Statistics Canada.
    But experts disagree on whether that load should include a part-time job. Some say doing so gives teen much needed maturity in the work force, helps build a work ethic and improves organizational skills, as well as providing spending money. Others say it distracts students from their real job—learning and getting good grades.
    Jorgen Hansen, an associate professor of economics at Montreal’s Concordia University, decided to look into whether teens’ part-time job affects grades. In comparing work and grade-point averages, Dr. Hansen concluded that working part-time hurts grades. The more you work part-time, the greater the harm to grades.
    Another finding: the younger a teen, the greater the detrimental impact. At 15, teens just don’t have the same maturity and organizational skills that they would at 17.
    But his survey also has a surprising twist: When students participate in school activities, the impact is beneficial—no matter how much time they spend on them.
    Alex Usher, a Toronto-based higher education consultant, says the question of whether to work part-time comes down to who the kids are and how to balance their goals. "If you’re trying to get 90s and 95s in high school, it’s very difficult to combine that with paid work."
    Judging an individual child’s maturity level and ability to organize is crucial for parents, Mr. Usher says. Smart teens know what they can and can’t handle and won’t work more than they should. For others, taking on too much can be detrimental.
    Wendy Patton, a dean of the faculty of education at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, is an advocate of kids taking part-time jobs, but she agrees that moderation is important. Dr. Patton says her research shows that part-time work benefits most students—as long as teens don’t work more than 12 hours a week. She found that working taught teens skills they didn’t necessarily learn at school—knowledge of the workplace, how to work for other people, teamwork and time management.
    "Students have a greater confidence in their own ability to do a range of things when they work," she says. "They have a greater confidence in things like time planning, working with adults; they have a greater confidence in their ability to make decisions."
    One added benefit: Working helps teens become aware of the benefits of staying in school. "When they’ve been washing dishes or working in a fast-food place, they start thinking more about what it is they really want to do." Dr. Patton says.


答案 Part-Time Jobs Should Be Encouraged The experts in the above report hold different opinions to whether senior high school students should take part-time jobs. Dr. Hansen’s survey points out that part-time jobs are harmful to students’ study. The longer time students take part-time jobs, the lower grade may follow. Mr. Usher, however, holds a neutral opinion by arguing that whether part-time jobs bring negative effect to study is up to the students’ time management skills and learning goals. Different from these two experts, Dr. Patton optimistically believes that part-time jobs provide students with additional knowledge, confidence as well as the awareness of the preciousness of school life. As for me, senior high school students should be encouraged to take part-time jobs if time permits, because it can benefit them a lot. First, senior high school students can learn some skills that cannot be obtained from their regular curriculum. For instance, simple as it may seem, a part-time job as a waiter requires the skills of team work, communication, and time management. Although some of these skills might be touched upon in schools, they are never so intensely practiced and refined in class. Furthermore, part-time jobs enable students to have a look at the outside world and spur them to think about their future careers. High-school students in China are programmed to study, and finish test papers, which gives them a dull teenage life. By occasionally taking part-time jobs, they can see a more diverse world. Ups and downs in work can make them adult and help them to think about their future careers. In order to be better prepared for their dreamed careers, these students will certainly study harder. Despite my support of part-time jobs, I should warn that students can only do them in their spare time. Under no circumstance should a student sacrifice his study. In conclusion, encouraging senior high school students to take part-time jobs properly is advisable, for they are beneficial to cultivate their skills and guide them to think about their future careers.

解析     材料围绕“高中生是否该做兼职”的话题展开讨论。大致给出了三方面的意见。
    第四至六段是反对的意见。材料引用汉森博士的研究结果,指出高中生做兼职对他们是有害的。一方面,兼职时间越长,越不利于他们的成绩(The more you...harm to grades.)。另一方面,学生的年龄越小(the younger a teen),受到的危害越大(the greater the detrimental impact)。同时,这项研究出人意料地得出一个相反的结论(surprising twist),不管学生花多少时间参加学校活动,结果都是有利的。
    第八段是中立的意见,指出是否做兼职要看学生能否平衡工作与学习的目标(balance their goals)。聪明的学生会把握好尺度,但花太多时间做兼职则是有害的(detrimental)。
