A、Patient and doctor. B、Nurse and interne. C、Father and daughter. D、Mother and doctor. D题目问的是对话者之间是什么关系。由女士的话可知,女士提到自己的宝宝,后面的谈话也

admin2018-05-06  38

W: Good morning, Mr. White. What’ s your trouble?
M: Good morning, doctor. I have a headache and a bad cough.
W: How long have you been like this?
M: Since the day before yesterday.
Q: What is the doctor probably going to say to the patient?
W: My baby is six months old now, Doctor, but he doesn’t seem to hear me.
M: Does he smile, does he know you?
W: If he sees me, yes, but he never seems to hear me and he’s not talking at all.
M: Does deafness run in your family?
W: Well, I think my great grandmother was deaf, but I’ m not sure.
M: Was it a normal birth?
W: No, he was born ten weeks early and went to a special care baby unit. He had meningitis then. But he looked as if he was normal.
M: I think we’ d better do some special hearing tests to check your baby’s hearing.
Q: What might be the relationship between the two speakers?

选项 A、Patient and doctor.
B、Nurse and interne.
C、Father and daughter.
D、Mother and doctor.


解析 题目问的是对话者之间是什么关系。由女士的话可知,女士提到自己的宝宝,后面的谈话也是主要关于孩子听力方面及一些医患对话的常规问题,由此可以推断出是一位母亲与医生的对话,故选D。
