A、Kate is going to go to night school next year. B、Kate is learning Japanese in night school. C、Kate is a good typist. D、Kate an

admin2013-12-03  20

M: May I come in?
W: Yes, of course.
M: Hello, Kate. Where is Jane? I want her to type this letter for me.
W: I’m afraid she can’t. (8)She isn’t working today. She is studying, for the exam.
M: The exam? Is she going to school?
W: Yes, she is. She is learning Japanese at night school.
M: I see. Are you going to night school, too?
W: No, I’m not, not this year. (9)But I’m thinking about taking a course next year.
M: That’s a good idea is that expensive?
W: No, not very. (10)Anyway it’s worth the money.
Why can’t Jane type the letter for the man?

选项 A、Kate is going to go to night school next year.
B、Kate is learning Japanese in night school.
C、Kate is a good typist.
D、Kate and Jane are learning Japanese in night school.


解析 Which of the following statements is true?题目询问下面哪一项是正确的。通过男孩问她是否也去夜校,她说她在考虑明年参加一个课程。由此可以看出选项A(凯特打算明年上夜校)为正确答案。对话中提到简在夜校学日语,而凯特还没上夜校,所以选项B(凯特在夜校学日语)和选项D (凯特和简在夜校学日语)均可排除;选项C(凯特是个好打字员),对话中根本未提及,也可以排除。
