E I’m going to give each of you a picture and I’d like you to first briefly describe and then give your comment on what you see

admin2013-01-05  26

问题 E I’m going to give each of you a picture and I’d like you to first briefly describe and then give your comment on what you see in the picture. Candidate A,this is your picture. You have three minutes to talk about it.

E Thank you. Now,candidate B,could you please ask your partner a question?
E OK. Candidate B,here is your picture. You also have three minutes to talk about your picture.

E Thank you.Now,candidate A,could you please ask your partner a question?


答案E I’m going to give each of you a picture and I’d like you to first briefly describe and then give your comment on what you see in the picture. Candidate A,this is your picture. You have three minutes to talk about it. A The picture shows us a prospect of family reunion. The whole family is getting together and having a wonderful supper. In holidays they choose to stay home to enjoy and relax with the family. Each member of the family appears to be happy and they are toasting to each other’s health. In China family reunion is a traditional way of observing holidays. E Thank you. Now,candidate B,could you please ask your partner a question? B Do you think we should spend our own festivals or western ones? A I’m a more traditional person. I’ve also noticed the change and my attitude toward this phenomenon is just live-and-let-live. People can have their own way of life. If they want to celebrate the western festivals, then just let them do so. But for myself, I prefer celebrating our traditional ones. Chinese are more reserved. And being reserved is not a fault in our character. We just show our love in our own way. It may not be spoken out, but one can feel it. And usually it’s the deepest, and the strongest love. Under the more reserved appearance, there is often a more colorful and richer inner world. So it’s still more important to celebrate our own festivals. E OK. Candidate B,here is your picture. You also have three minutes to talk about your picture. B In the left of pictures, groups of people, mostly women, are shopping in the stories. They are purchasing all kinds of clothes. In holidays people usually stroll along the streets. There are usually many sales for them to get a good bargain. In the right picture, a boy indulges himself in the net. Surfing the net seems to have brought great satisfaction to him. Indeed surfing the net is convenient, but we should be aware of the problems as well. The web can be dangerous because it can be addictive and violent sites are easily accessible and can pollute young minds. Additionally, it influences your working and studying play if you spend too much time on it. So, people should be careful not to be misled. E Thank you.Now,candidate A,could you please ask your partner a question? A What should we do to encounter these phenomenon? B In my opinion, at present, we have two urgent tasks at hand. One is to develop our economy quickly, it can help us win back the youth. The other is to publicize and give more attention to our own culture. We can create a kind of atmosphere with the help of government, and our mass media. We should learn from the foreigners but we should have our own understanding to these festivals. For example, we could have a candle supper with our lovers without rose or chocolate, we could express the same feeling by our own ways.

