
admin2018-09-21  57

问题     这地方是个长潭的转折处,两岸是高大壁立千丈的山,山头上长着小小竹子,长年翠色逼人。这时节两山只剩余一抹深黑,赖天空微明勾画出一个轮廓。但在黄昏里看来如一种奇迹的,都是两岸高处去水已三千丈上下的吊脚楼。这些房子莫不俨然悬挂在半空中,借着黄昏的余光,还可以把这些稀奇的楼房形体看得出个大略。……这地方既好看,也好玩。


答案This place, at a bend in a long lake, was flanked by high cliffs on the peaks of which grew little bamboos, an enchanting emerald the whole year round. Now in the deepening darkness, the cliffs were becoming barely visible, only their silhouettes were outlined against the faintly glimmering sky. What we could make out in the dusk, though, was amazing—high up the cliff, thousands of feet above the water, was a cluster of houses built on stilts. There they all seemed to hang majestically in mid air, and in the fading light we could still see the outline of these extraordinary buildings... So the place, besides being attractive, provided distractions.

解析 1.本段为游记文体,描写与叙述交织在一起,相映成趣,故宜采用一般过去时为总体时态;根据译者的感受,采用一般现在时作为总体时态也未尝不可。
2.第2句的“两山只剩余一抹深黑”可采用意译法,译为in the deepening darkness the cliffs werebecoming barely visible;“轮廓”指的是山的轮廓,可译为silhouettes;“勾画出”可译为outlined。
3.第3句的“黄昏里”可译为in the dusk或in the twilight;“看”可译为make out,突出黄昏中万事万物的朦胧色彩;“如一种奇迹”可译为were (looked)like miracles,或简单地译为were amazing;“两岸高处去水已三千丈上下”带有汉语的文化成分:“丈”是中国文化特有的长度单位,且汉语文学作品中的数量词常常并不一定表达精确的数字,所以采用比较模糊的数量词thousands of feet来翻译,合情合理,确保了译文的可理解性。此句原文中的方位词十分精确,翻译时需要准确把握,可译为high up the cliff, thousandsof feet above the water.
4.第3句的“吊脚楼”是我国南方少数民族一种特有的建筑形式,是建在竹子或木头桩子上的竹子或木头房子,可采用解释性翻译手法译为houses built on stilts。
5.第4句的“莫不”是“所有”或“全部”的意思,译为all即可。“俨然悬挂在半空中”可译为seemed to hangmajestically in mid air;“还可以把这些稀奇的楼房形体看得出个大略”是汉语中的无主句,翻译时需要补充主语,因本段主要描写作者旅游过程中的感受,所以用we或I作主语均可。
6.第5句的“这地方既好看,也好玩”可译为This place is both beautiful and enchanting,或译为Thisplace is not only beautiful but also enchanting。但由于句子的重点是“也好玩”。故也可以把“既好看”译为短语,作为状语,使其处于次要地位,将“也好玩”译为谓语,成为句子的主要部分。全句可译为So theplace,besides being attractive,provided distractions。
