For many women choosing whether to work or not to work outside their home is a luxury ; they must work to survive. Others face a

admin2016-02-04  48

问题     For many women choosing whether to work or not to work outside their home is a luxury ; they must work to survive. Others face a hard decision. Perhaps the easiest choice has to do with economics. One husband said, "Marge and I decided after careful consideration that for her to go back to work at this moment was an extravagance we couldn’t afford. " With two preschool children, it soon became clear in their figuring that with babysitters, transportation, and increased taxes, rather than having more money, they might actually end up with less.
    Economic factors are usually the first to be considered, but they are not the most important. The most important aspects of the decision have to do with the emotional needs of each member of the family. It is in this area that husbands and wives find themselves having to face many confusing and conflicting feelings.
    There are many women who find that homemaking is boring or who feel imprisoned if they have to stay home with a young child or several children. On the other hand, there are women who think that homemaking gives them the deepest satisfaction.
    From my own experience, I would like to suggest that sometimes the decision to go back to work is made in too much haste. There are few decisions that I now regret more. I wasn’t mature enough to see how much I could have gained at home. I regret my impatience to get on with my career. I wish I had allowed myself the luxury of watching the world through my little girl’s eyes.
Why did Marge and her husband think it an extravagance for Marge to go back to work?

选项 A、Because they might pay more than they earned on the whole.
B、Because Marge has to take care of their children at home.
C、Because they don’t have the babysitter to help them.
D、Because Marge has to pay more transportation fares.


解析 第2题是一个涉及具体细节事例的问题,因为问题题干中出现了专有名词Marge,因此,利用查阅式阅读法在第一段的后半部分找到与此相关的内容。文章指出,Marge的丈夫说:“Marge和我经过仔细考虑后认为现在让她回去工作对我们来说是一种负担不起的奢侈”,由于他们有两个未上学的孩子,很快他们就算清了雇保姆、支付交通费用和不断上涨的税收,这些费用比起Marge工作赚来的钱要多。因此,如果Marge去工作,不仅不能增加收入,相反他们会入不敷出的。所以此题的正确答案是A:他们可能挣的不如花的多。
