Television, video and the wide range of social and recreational opportunities which are now available have taken the place of bo

admin2019-05-30  21

问题    Television, video and the wide range of social and recreational opportunities which are now available have taken the place of books in many homes. School children and students still have to read but they usually read because they have to, rather than because they enjoy it. Once they have left school or college, many feel that they never want to open a book again. In England 44% of the population say that they never buy a book and a further 1 % buy only one book a year. In contrast to this there have been 55,000 new books published in England this year as compared to just under 12,000 in 1950 when people were supposed to be spending more time reading for pleasure and relaxation in an age which was pre-TV.


答案 电视、录像及大量现有的社交和娱乐机会在许多家庭已经取代了书籍。在校孩子和学生仍然得读书,但他们通常是被迫阅读而并非因为自己喜欢读书。他们一旦离开校门,许多人再也不愿意碰书本。在英国,有44%的人说他们从不买书,另有1%的人一年只买一本书。与此形成对照的是,英国今年已出版5.5万本书,而1950年只有1.2万本书出版。在当时的前电视时代,人们本应该花更多的时间通过阅读来娱乐和放松。

