
admin2019-06-01  107

问题    把亲情放在适当的位置上,双方都不致失落。人到中年,亲情的互动,是阶段性的幸福,不要赋予它太严肃的意义,也不要把它看得无足轻重。上帝不允许孩子永远记住父母入骨的爱,那将使他们无法成长;也不允许父母永远记住自己对儿女所作的牺牲,那将使老人陷于期待回报的自怜。而且,事实上,孩子早已经用儿语、用拥抱、用一声“妈妈,我好爱你啊!”一声“爸爸,我要嫁一个像爸爸这样的好丈夫!”完全回报了!是的,完全回报了。


答案 Properly handled, parent-child relationship will leave neither of them the sense of loss. It is periodical happiness to have interaction with our children when stepping into middle ages. However, we should not attach too serious significance to it, nor should we consider it unimportant at all. God does not allow our children to remember our selfless deep love for all their life, for which would hinder their growth, nor does he allow us to remember our sacrifice for them either, for which would entrap us into the miserable situation of expecting rewards. And in fact, what we have given to our children has already been paid back in their childhood by giving us a big hug or telling us with their baby-talk like " I love you so much, Mummy!" and "Daddy, I gonna marry a good man like you!" Yes, all of these are their love in return.

