He was a Canadian, an attorney, he said, still practicing in Winnipeg. But he’d been spending April in Gatlinburg for almost 50

admin2012-12-30  63

问题    He was a Canadian, an attorney, he said, still practicing in Winnipeg. But he’d been spending April in Gatlinburg for almost 50 years. He and his wife would come with their son and daughter and explore the mountains on horseback, get- ting to know every scenic vantage point of Mount Le Conte, every turn in the bumbling Little Pigeon River.
   After the son Rad died and after the daughter was grown, Mr. B and his wife had kept up their visits. And he still continued to make the annual trek even though his wife had died three years ago. The mountains and the valley were touch- stones for him, sites of pleasant memories that were revived with each visit.
   "I’ve had a love of my own", he said, his eyes misting. He asked detailed questions about our wedding and told us in detail of his own, some 60 year earlier. During brief periods when a conversational lapse threatened, he softly hummed "Hello, Young Lovers", the song from The King and I.
   That night he sat alone during dinner, careful, he later told us, not to "get in love’s way". But he glanced often in our direction, and we knew he was not alone; he was deep in reverie, dining with his own true love.


答案 他说他是加拿大人,是个律师,目前仍在温尼伯市执业。可是近五十年来,他每年四月都要到加特林堡来度假。过去他和妻子总是带着一儿一女来这里,他们骑马穿行在群山之间,踏遍了贡特峰的每一个观景点,探察了湍急的小鸽河的每一处河湾。 在儿子早逝,女儿长大以后,B先生还是每年都和妻子一起到这里来。他的妻子在三年前去世了,即便如此,他仍然坚持这一年一度的长途旅行。在他看来,这里的群山和峡谷都是检验真情的标准,都会勾起他愉快的回忆,每来一次那记忆就愈加鲜活。 “我有过自己挚爱的人”,他说着,眼睛模糊起来。他仔细询问了我们婚礼的情况,也详细讲述了他的婚礼,那是六十多年前的事了。谈话中偶尔无话可说时,他便轻轻地哼起《你们好,相爱的年轻人》,那是轻歌剧《我与国王》里的插曲。 那天晚餐时,他一直独自坐着,尽量“不妨碍别人谈情说爱”(那是他后来告诉我们的)。可是他不时朝我们这边瞥上一眼,我们知道他并不孤独;他其实是在深思冥想之中与挚爱的人共进晚餐。

