A、It is harder for students to study in the university. B、The university requires a higher level of motivation. C、Students need

admin2020-03-30  28

M: Rachel, did you find it hard, studying with the Open University?
W: You mean, because you’re studying on your own, most of the time?
M: Mmm.
W: Well it took me a while to get used to it. I found I needed to maintain a high level of motivation, because it’s so different from high school. There’s no one saying "Why haven’t you written your assignment yet?" and that sort of thing.
M: Oh dear.
W: You’ll learn it, Paul.[10]Another thing was that I got very good at time-management because I had to fit time for studying round a full-time job.
M: Well, I’m hoping to change to working part-time, so that’ll help.
W: What makes it easier is that the degree is made up of selective courses, so you can take time off between them if you need to. It isn’t like a traditional three-or-four-year course.
M: That’s good, because I’d like to spend six months travelling next year.
W: Huh, it’s all right for some. Then even though you’re mostly studying at home, remember you’ve got tutors to help you, and from time to time there are summer schools. They usually last a week.[11]They’re great, because you meet all the other people struggling with the same things as you. I’ve made some really good friends that way.
M: Sounds good.
9. What’s the difference between university and high school according to the woman?
10. What has the woman gained at the university?
11. Why does the woman think highly of summer schools?

选项 A、It is harder for students to study in the university.
B、The university requires a higher level of motivation.
C、Students need more time to get used to the university.
D、Students can make more friends in the university.


解析 细节题。对话中女士提到大学不同于中学,大学需要保持高度的积极性(maintain a high level of motivation),故答案为B)。
