A、The executive supervisor of Human Resources. B、The senior vice president of Marketing Management C、The senior director of Inte

admin2020-06-06  25

    There are types of people who can grow their careers fastest, that’s true. Do you want to be one of them? So today, we invite Scott Trezise, executive vice president of Human Resources at CenturyLink, to answer the question: Looking back, what advice would you give your younger self about career development?
Scott Trezise:
    The first advice I would give my younger self would be to work hard and to work smart. For generations, people have learned the lesson that good things come to those who work hard, and despite a world that changes faster every day, working hard remains a constant. In today’s world, we not only have to work hard, but we also have to work smart. We need to be able to leverage today’s advanced technologies to make ourselves as effective and efficient as possible.
    To be intellectually curious requires courage—courage to distinguish oneself from the masses. My second piece of advice would be to be the one who asks the first question, be the one who challenges the status quo, be the one who volunteers for the toughest assignments, and be the one who has an opinion that’s different than others. Courage separates the few from the many. It can be scary, but it can also have a big payoff.
    Third, I would say to be intellectually curious. Ask questions at every opportunity. In most situations, people love being asked questions because it gives them the opportunity to share their perspectives and impress those who are listening. By asking questions, you’re not only gaining knowledge, but you’re showing those around you that you want to learn. Intellectual curiosity challenges the status quo and creates a path for things to become bigger, better and faster.
    Fourth, think analytically: Speak with facts and data. I remember one of my senior leaders telling me, "Scott, you are a great debater, but as long as I am boss, if you have an opinion and I have an opinion, my opinion wins." That was a great lesson. Anyone can have an opinion, but it’s data and facts that carry the most weight. Today, it is the analytical thinker who consolidates the massive amount of available data and synthesizes it into just a few compelling points who wins the day.
    Finally, and most importantly, be optimistic. Those who can distinguish themselves by having a can-do attitude are those who grow their careers fastest. Those who believe they can get things done, get things done. Optimism not only breeds better individual results, but it makes all those involved more productive. Optimism simply makes work more fun, but the most important aspect of professional optimism is that it ends up bleeding over into one’s personal life. More optimism leads to a happier personal life and greater career success.
16. Who is invited to answer the question?
17. By what way can we work smart?
18. Why do people love being asked questions?
19. What type of people can distinguish themselves and grow their careers fastest?

选项 A、The executive supervisor of Human Resources.
B、The senior vice president of Marketing Management
C、The senior director of International Client Group.
D、The executive vice president of Human Resources.


解析 选项涉及部门和职位,推测本题与某人的身份有关。听录音时要注意人名前后的职衔或简介信息,要注意比较区别细节。主持人在引出演讲主题的同时也介绍了演讲者的身份一今天邀请了Century Link公司人力资源部执行副总裁(executive vice president of Human Resources)Scott Trezise来回答一个问题:回顾过去,你会给当年年轻的自己提供怎样的职业发展建议呢?由此可知D项正确。A项“人力资源部行政主管”和B项“市场营销部高级副总裁”分别利用录音中的Human Resources和vice president制造干扰。C项“国际客户部的高级总监”未在录音中提到。
