The therapeutic benefits of laughter are widely known, however, and this is intriguing from the standpoint of basic science. Lau

admin2019-03-20  39

问题 The therapeutic benefits of laughter are widely known, however, and this is intriguing from the standpoint of basic science. Laughter is one of the most fundamental components of human behavior, transcending all age and cultural boundaries. It produces a hit of pure, direct pleasure. Yet scientists still do not understand what is happening in the brain to give such a positive feeling.
Laughter breaks all the rules of survival. It uses up energy, makes predator-attracting noise and serves no obvious function in terms of gaining nourishment, accomplishing reproduction, or protecting from danger; yet it appears to be as natural as breathing. So fundamental is it, in fact, that people in all societies spend time—and often money—engineering themselves into situations where laughter is likely. It must be there for a reason.
From psychological, zoological, medical and neuro-scientific standpoints, then, laughter should be at the top of the scientific research list. As a medicine it would be cheap and side-effect free; it ought to be promoted.
But would scientific enquiry rob laughter of its quintessential merit, the elusive "feel-good factor"? There is no reason why this should be so. True, analyzing subjective conscious experience is one of the biggest and hardest questions facing those working on the brain, and laughter and pure fun are perhaps the hardest aspects of consciousness to come to grips with.


答案 人们都知道笑的疗效,但是,从科学基础知识的立场看的话,这种疗效其实很有意思。笑是人类行为中最基本的组成之一,它超越了年龄和文化界限,直接给人以一种纯粹的快乐冲击。然而科学家们还不理解,产生这样一种积极的感情的话,大脑里会有什么样的反应。 笑可以打破所有的生存准则。它可以耗尽体能,发出吸引捕食者的声音,不过在获取营养、完成繁殖以及免受伤害方面,没有发挥什么明显的功效,但是它可以就像人的呼吸那样来得自然而然。所以,事实上最重要的一点是,所有社会里的人都在花费时间——经常是钱,来把自己置于可以笑得出来的情境中。这也必定是有原因的。 从心理学、动物学、医学以及神经科学的角度看,笑都处于科学研究的首位。它作为一种药物既便宜又无副作用,值得推荐给大家。 但科学探究会不会从笑里揪出它特别的长处——捉摸不透的“感觉好的因素”?这么做的话毫无理由。说实话,分析主观意识经验是那些从事大脑的研究的人们所做的规模最大以及难度最大的研究之一,因为,笑以及纯粹的乐趣是最难把握的两个意识方面。

